WARNING! Biden Admin Creating Enemies List Of Religious Americans Rejecting Vaccine Mandates

(Liberty Bell) – What could be more holocaust-esque than mandated experimental vaccines for a mostly harmless virus? Joe Biden and his fraudulent regime don’t want you to have to wonder that, that’s why they’ve started a registry for Americans who have declared a religious objection to the vaccines.

Things truly just keep going from bad to worse.

The Biden regime has started compiling a list of workers at the Pretrial Services Agency for the District of Columbia. The agency quietly issued a notice Tuesday announcing the establishment of the “Employee Religious Exception Request Information System,” which “maintains personal religious information collected in response to religious accommodation requests for religious exemption from the federally mandated vaccination requirement.”

The Daily Signal, a news and commentary website of the think tank The Heritage Foundation, reported on the notice from the agency.

Heritage Foundation fellows Sarah Parshall Perry and GianCarlo Canaparo suggested that the PSA was picked due to the fact that nobody is paying much attention to such a tiny, obscure agency. The religious exemption registry will likely go mostly unnoticed.

The scary part is, the Biden regime is planning to implement a much bigger registry across the rest of the federal government. Other federal agencies are already taking similar action.

The Daily Signal noted that there was much in the PSA’s announcement that shed light on the purpose of such a list being kept. The notice only says that “the primary purpose of the secured electronic file repository is to collect, maintain, use, and — to the extent appropriate and necessary — disseminate employee religious exception request information collected by the Agency” as part of its efforts to meet the federal vaccine requirement.

“PSA will use the information in processing religious accommodation requests and to determine the appropriate health and safety protocols for employees in the context of the federally mandated COVID-19 vaccination. The secured electronic file repository enables PSA to log, track, and manage employee religious exception request information,” it adds.

“In other words, the list will help the agency make a list,” Perry and Canaparo noted.

There is also no information as to what will happen to the collected information once an employee’s religious exemption request has been received, processed and decided.

The information may include “religious accommodation requests, including Request for a Religious Exception to the COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement form, notes, religious affiliation, or records made during consideration of requests, and decisions on requests,” the announcement reads.

Also without explanation is “why the Biden administration chose to test this policy in an agency with a majority-black staff, who are both more religious and less vaccinated than other groups,” Perry and Canaparo wrote.

“So much for the president’s commitment to ‘racial equity’” but we all have known that has been a charade all along.

As Western Journal writer Isa Cox pointed out, “In spite of our nation’s collective memory of the horrors of the Tuskegee syphilis study, the Biden administration appears to be testing an Orwellian database of religious exemptions requests on an agency staffed by mostly black employees, and it’s flying right under the radar because it’s the little Pretrial Services Agency.”

“With the Pretrial Services Agency, Biden likely expected that the policy would land quickly and without a splash. As it is, the notice of a new announcement provides less than 30 days for public comment,” Perry and Canaparo noted.

“Biden may not be winning points for transparency, but he’s doing his best to win first place in subjecting Americans with sincerely held religious beliefs to differential treatment,” they added.

What on earth could the federal government possibly be doing with lists and databases identifying employees with sincerely held religious objections to the COVID vaccines?

In a piece published Saturday, the Heritage Foundation explained that the idea for keeping track of Americans who request religious exemptions is far from isolated to the tiny Pretrial Services Agency. The piece explains:

A little digging at the Federal Register revealed that there are at least 19 total federal agencies — including five cabinet level agencies — that have created or proposed to create these tracking lists for religious-exemption requests from their employees.

The list includes the Department of Justice, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Transportation, and the Department of the Treasury, to name only a few.

As the nation’s largest employer, with over four million civilian and military employees, the federal government has received tens of thousands of religious exemption requests. It now appears that an increasing number of federal agencies are keeping and preserving those individuals’ names, religious information, personally identifying information, and other data stored in lists across multiple government agencies.

“Why?” Perry and Canaparo asked.

That is, indeed, the question. Why does the federal government think it’s necessary or appropriate for them to compile such information on its own employees and citizens of the US?

It’s become painfully obvious that the Biden regime is carrying out a blatant Communist takeover of the US. This is just another piece of that disturbing picture.

Copyright 2022. LibertyBell.com


  1. Don’t feed the animals. End the government funding of health research.

    It’s all so bogus. They claim that they want to depopulate the planet. Why are they spending so much money on health research? What in the hell is the point if it? I’ll tell you what the point of it is, to enrich researchers. Nothing more. It is time to compensate the researchers victims instead, which I happen to be one of! Their research does not even use the scientific method. It is total junk science and data manipuation. It is not research. It is crimes against humanity and fraud!Just stop funding them! The country would be better off if they died right now! They are sick as hell! They make Josef Mengele look like Mr. Rogers! I am not exagerating! They have been torturing and terrorizing me nonstop for over seven years now, and I am a patriotic, law abiding American born citizen!

    Andrea Iravani


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