Trump Delivers Devastating Blow To ‘Maggot’ NYT Reporter

(Liberty Bell) – A report from The Western Journal has revealed that President Donald Trump put New York Times writer Maggie Haberman on full blast over several claims that he says are false that were released to the general public ahead of the release of her new book.

Trump was so incensed by the claims that Haberman has made against him that he christened her with a brand new nickname, one she’ll wear proudly: “Maggot Haberman.”

One of the accusations that Haberman made against Trump in her new book says that he’s still in touch with Kim Jong Un, the North Korean dictator, according to a report from the Daily Mail.

“Yet another fake book, by a reporter who knows nothing about me, Maggot Haberman of the New York Times, is making up stories about my relationship with foreign leaders,” Trump fired back at Haberman in a statement Friday. “She claims I speak with Kim Jong Un of North Korea, but not other world leaders. Wrong!”

In the book, which is called “Confidence Man,” Haberman also made a charge that White House staffers had often discovered official records clogging up toilets in the White House, according to another report from very left-leaning Axios publication.

“Also, another fake story, that I flushed papers and documents down a White House toilet, is categorically untrue and simply made up by a reporter in order to get publicity for a mostly fictitious book,” Trump said concerning the records claim.

Haberman has not yet produced a single shred of evidence to back up her story concerning the claims she’s made in her book.

“The advance leak of sections of Haberman’s book — which won’t be on stands until October, according to the Daily Mail — seems calculated to coincide with accusations by the Democrat-led kangaroo court that is the Jan. 6 committee, a partisan ‘investigation’ into the supposed 2020 “insurrection” that occurred in the Capitol. It is being claimed that Trump illegally took 15 boxes of records out of the White House when he left after his first term,” the WJ report said.

Trump then took a big shot at the committee, referring to it as a “totally illegitimate and Marxist exercise.”

“The Unselect Committee and Nancy Pelosi are completely out of control, harassing innocent people, seizing private phone and bank records, and using the Capitol Police to spy on members of Congress,” Trump wrote in a statement.

He then continued saying, “The Democrats are just using this and the Unselect Committee of political hacks as a camouflage for how horribly our Country is doing under the Biden Administration.”

“While mainstream media outlets are spinning themselves up over this nattering from Haberman, they are also trying to ignore consequential news from the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s spying on Trump while he was president conducted by Special Counsel John Durham,” the report said.

“On Friday, it was revealed that the Durham probe alleges that the Hillary Clinton campaign paid tech experts to infiltrate and spy on Donald Trump’s computer servers during the campaign and continued to do so after he became president, the Daily Mail reported,” the WJ said.

According to a report from Fox News, Trump also put Hillary Clinton back on blast, saying, “The latest pleading from Special Counsel Durham proves indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia.”

The president’s son, Donald Trump Jr., was also angry over Durham’s investigation.

“BREAKING: Donald Trump and the RNC funded SIGINT collection AGAINST the Executive Office of the President of the United States, just like the Russians do. This is TREASON!” Don Jr. tweeted. “Just kidding, it was Hillary Clinton and a big tech executive. Durham is coming,” he said.

The fact that Hillary Clinton, a former first lady and secretary of state, paid large sums of cash to a big tech executive to help spy on Trump is a way more damning story than the ridiculous claims that Trump is talking with a foreign leader.

And yet, the mainstream media ignores this inconvenient bit of information.


Copyright 2022.


  1. What could lead a group of people to become so desperate that they would resort to killing my parents, one of my brothers, and my dog, and committing a sick sadistic pre-meditated crime spee on me that has involved illegal, unconsented, uninformed surgery, false diagnosis, perjury, medical fraud, illegal medical experimentation, hacking, black bag job breakins, theft and vandalism, organized comminity stalking, online organized community stalking, terrorism, torture, false imprisonment of me in my own home, and illegal enslavement through spying on me and stealing my property?

    I have no idea, you would have to ask Grafton President James Brunnquell, the Grafton Police, and Senator Ron Johnson, they won’t tell me though.

    Andrea Iravani

  2. The Wisconsin, New York, and Florida Republicans are particularly lethal genres of Republicans that have had the carinogenic effect of destroying the Republican Party, the constitution, and the country in comparison to other less fatal genres of Republicans. These lethal carcinogenic Republicans in Florida, New York, and Wisconsin have a repeated history of placing themselves front and center by any means necessary, including authoring the most anti-American legislation in history.

    The Republican Party would be best advised to remove all New York, Wisconsin, and Florida Republicans from all advisory and intelligence committees, because they are not only the most corrupt, but also the
    most mentally incompetent.

    They are the ugly enigma that is responsible for the overwhelming majority of problems within the Republican Party. The sooner that the rest ofthe Republican Party disassociates itself from the Wisconsin, Florida, and New York Republicans, the more likely it is that they will recover from the anti-American disease that those lethal genres of Republicans infested the Republican Party with.

    Until the New York, Florida, and Wisconsin Republicans are willing to confront the corruption in their states and state parties, they will only serve as a catalyst for the further and expedited degradation of both the Republican Party and America.

    They must be censured and removed. In fact, the Republican Party should remove the 527 status of those state parties for its own good. The Republicans from New York, Wisconsin, and Florida are literally
    too F-ed up to care anymore. The only thing that they care about is themselves. They never stop proving it. They are McCarthyists, Terrorists, and Ted Bundy types.

    Andrea Iravani

  3. This is also just more evidence against Michel Chossudovsky former economic consultant for the W.E.F., U.N., W.H.O., and about a dozen countries in lockstep with the whole psy-op, and Peter Koening, former economic consultant for the World Bank, that feign being sympathetic to We the People!

    I stated before that they are acting like Agent Provocateurs, and the stupid bastards just keep proving me right!

    They really are sick evil monsters of monumental proportions! Godzilla and King Kong!

    They are riding both sides of the gravy train! Chossudovsky has been cheering the Freedom Convoy on! As if he does not know things things about which I have said! He just pretends that none of the things that I have said about the Freedom Convoy are true. You would think that an economist would call into question an $800,000 a day policing budget for the convoy, or the disruption of commerce and the supply chain bottlenecking that it is creating! They have entirely
    discredited themselves! They are also spying on me, gas-lighting me, parroting me, and online stalking me! Really sick losers!

    Andrea Iravani

  4. Yeah, Retardicans, an empty trucker convoy is really going to solve the cargo cults problems. All of the Retardicans are fully supporting it because it is called the Freedom Convoy, even though it is depriving Ottawans of their freedom of mobility and commerce. You would think that after The Patriot Act, The American Freedom Act, MAGA, and The Heroes Act, that the stupid F-ing retards would have caught on by now. You can’t fix stupid, as Ron White said.

    Andrea Iravani

  5. The sick, creepy, cowardly, fancy pants, pansie boy, scumbag retards that have been anonymoisly terrorizing me must be doing it for military training to defeat Russia.

    The U.S. military is not even capable of defeating Cuba, and we know that for a fact, because they tried it with The Bay of Pigs, and failed.

    I guess that with a creepy retarded scumbag like Ron Johnson on the senate “intelligence” committee, he thought that if they could anonymously defeat a vulnernable woman, then it could boost their moral, and they could move on to defeating a country like Moldova, and then Sri Lanka, and then Qatar, and after Qatar, Belarus.

    Ron Johnson wants to be treated with respect, but Ron Johnson is unworthy of respect because he has permitted this to happen to me and he is on the senate “intelligence” committee.

    Defeating Russia is a crack pie dream, because you can’t fix stupid, as comedian Ron White pointed out, but you can kill stupid.

    Andrea Iravani

  6. A  21 year old Louisville Kentucky Democrat primary mayoral candidate that was listed as one of Barack Obama’s hopefuls and rising stars violently burst into the campaign head quarters of his Democratic Primary mayoral opponent Greenburg and started shooting.

    This is extremely bizarre considering the circumstances, to say the least.

    When you hear about something like this, you really have to wonder, was it the poisonous covid-19 shot which have demonstrated to cause neurological damage in some people. The Pfizer shot contains polyetheline glycol, which is the active ingredient in anti-freeze, and graphene, and who in the hell knows what else.

    Neurodegenerative disease is very unpredictable, depending on the region of the brain affected, it could potentially lead to such behavior.

    Mayoral candidate Quintez Brown was opposed to gun violence. It seems to be extremely out of his character. What would cause a normal person with a bright future to just snap and suddenly turn homicidal?!

    Andrea Iravani

  7. Amazon warehouses are apparently still trying to unionize, voluntarily offering a 2.5% hourly wage tax to the Teamsters union. Take one for the team and pay a $50 monthly tax to a thug that will not do a damned thing for you!

    There are about one million Amazon warehouse workers, so that would be about $620 million a year in union dues if every warehouse unionizes.

    Democracy and Capitalism at work!

    Yippee! Union thugs capitalizing off of your labor!

    Wahoo! Get me a Leer Jet and a football team!

    Andrea Iravani

  8. I do recall that White House plumbing was not working properly which was covered by the media and Trump was obviously fuming and irate over the matter.

    I would not be surprised if someone on his team was flushing documents down the toilet that they did not want him to know about. Take your pick as to who it could be. Many of them are fully committed to not only making sure that Trump is not re-elected, but that everyone that Trump endorses is not elected or re-elected either.
    Even Jared Kushner said that he is distancing himslef from Trump.

    Too bad for America that Ivanka didn’t marry Tom Brady instead like Trump wanted her to. We all paid the price for that. Tom Brady has retired. Maybe he and Ivanka can be matched up,

    Andrea Iravani

    • Kushner must have blackmailed her into marrying him, threatening to have her Dad arrested for some real-estate debacle or something. What else could explain it?!

      Andrea Iravani

  9. Michel Chossudovsky’s pacifism, and others in the survellance/gestapo/kleptoquack organized crime ring have destroyed humanity entirely.

    Michel Chossudovsky is a pacifist and has refused to publicly hold accountable anyone other than an extremely small group of individuals over the fake pandemic brought on by the fake virus.

    Michel Chossudovsky’s mission is self-evident, to continue to save the guilty murderous, narcissistic megalomaniacs that are directly responsible for the world’s worst crimes against humanity by giving them narcissistic supply on his website in a super-man complex scam that continue to put forth blatant lies and continue to let this murderous rampage to take place.

    This should not really be all that surprising considering that Chossudovsky was an economic consultant to the WEF, the UN, and the World Bank and several nation states that are in lock step with the fake pandemic narrative.

    It appears that Chossudovsky is the ring leader in all of this, to be perfectly honest, the same way that the FBI and police illeagally entrap people to commit acts of terrorism.

    Michel Chossudovsky has never criticized the Chinese government on a single occasion because of Omerta apparently. It is certainly not for a lack of things to criticize the Chinese government over!

    Michel Chossudovsky wants people to believe that he opposes all of this, yet it was China that started this. That cannot be denied.
    Covid-19 does not exist any more than Puff the Magic Dragon exists, but China was the first country to sound alarms and lock down Wuhan over protests from real estate market collapses, waste incinerators, and human rights abuses that they did not want to spill over into the highly televised Chinese New Year parade, and also because of declining exports coinciding with the Chinese real estate market collapse.

    Chossudovsky is a typical Brit. Rabidly and venomously anti-American. Chossudovsky keeps blaming America for this. America played a large role in this. To ignore the role that China played in this would be the equivalent of ignoring the role that Adolf Hitler played in the holocaust. China still has a zero tolerance covid policy. This ludicrous psy-op is a Marxist tactic employing an ends justify the means mentality by any means necessary, and Chossudovsky has not publicly denounced China over this policy on a single occasion on his website. Chossudovsky has demonstrated through both his actions and inactions to be of the same mind, that the ends justify the means by any means necessary, which is the same tactic used by Bill Gates and those that continue to push forth this murderous rampage of innocents, and those that refuse to demand that those responsible are prosecuted. The universities around the world played an immense role in all of this. Chossudovsky wants to pacify the scumbags that have insisted on students being injected with poisonous shots. Chossudovsky thinks that these evil, monstrous, narcissistic, megalomaniacal scumbags should not be prosecuted for this policy of forcing students to be injected with these poisonous shots.

    All of the teachers and professors in schools should have just quit their jobs when these evil policies were put in place, including masking, testing, and distancing.

    The fact that they did not do that shows that they believe that they are more important and valuable to society than the children and students that they teach. They are the foxes guarding the hen house. There is no longer any doubt about that after the fake pandemic. We recall the safe spaces at schools and universities after Trump won the election, as another example of the way that these monsters are using children and students to do their bidding for them. It is obviously a hostage situation. There is obviously not any safe space with these monsters on the loose.

    Andrea Iravani

    Stop hacking my commemts scumbag!

    • Just yet another reason to oppose unions! The teachers unions and nurses unions are among the most powerful unions in America, and also the AFLCIO. It was the union bosses that were promising a Marxist Utopia to union members, which carried out the bloodiest genocide in world history! The targeted genocode? Humanity.

      The teachers and nurses could have and should have demaned that unions strike when this first started, way before the vaccine roll out ever statrted.

      The teachers unions and the nurses unions did the opposite, and demanded lock downs, forced testing, forced masking, and forced social distancing for everyone except BLM, Anti-fa, and Extinction Rebellion.

      Andrea Iravani

  10. Michel Chossudovsky’s pacifism, and others in the survellance/gestapo/kleptoquack organized crime ring have destroyed humanity entirely.

    Michel Chossudovsky is a pacifist and has refused to publicly hold accountable anyone other than an extremely small group of individuals over the fake pandemic brought on by the fake virus.

    Michel Chossudovsky’s mission is self-evident, to continue to save the guilty murderous, narcissistic megalomaniacs that are directly responsible for the world’s worst crimes against humanity by giving them narcissistic supply on his website in a super-man complex scam that continue to put forth blatant lies and continue to let this murderous rampage to take place.

    This should not really be all that surprising considering that Chossudovsky was an economic consultant to the WEF, the UN, and the World Bank and several nation states that are in lock step with the fake pandemic narrative.

    It appears that Chossudovsky is the ring leader in all of this, to be perfectly honest, the same way that the FBI and police illeagally entrap people to commit acts of terrorism.

    Michel Chossudovsky has never criticized the Chinese government on a single occasion because of Omerta apparently. It is certainly not for a lack of things to criticize the Chinese government over!

    Michel Chossudovsky wants people to believe that he opposes all of this, yet it was China that started this. That cannot be denied.
    Covid-19 does not exist any more than Puff the Magic Dragon exists, but China was the first country to sound alarms and lock down Wuhan over protests from real estate market collapses, waste incinerators, and human rights abuses that they did not want to spill over into the highly televised Chinese New Year parade, and also because of declining exports coinciding with the Chinese real estate market collapse.

    Chossudovsky is a typical Brit. Rabidly and venomously anti-American. Chossudovsky keeps blaming America for this. America played a large role in this. To ignore the role that China played in this would be the equivalent of ignoring the role that Adolf Hitler played in the holocaust. China still has a zero tolerance covid policy. This ludicrous psy-op is a Marxist tactic employing an ends justify the means mentality by any means necessary, and Chossudovsky has not publicly denounced China over this policy on a single occasion on his website. Chossudovsky has demonstrated through both his actions and inactions to be of the same mind, that the ends justify the means by any means necessary, which is the same tactic used by Bill Gates and those that continue to push forth this murderous rampage of innocents, and those that continue to demand that those responsible are prosecuted. The universities around the world played an immense role in all of this. Chossudovsky wants to pacify the scumbags that have insisted on students being injected with poisonous shots. Chossudovsky thinks that these evil, monstrous, narcissistic, megalomaniacal scumbags should not be prosecuted for this policy of forcing students to be injected with these poisonous shots.

    Andrea Iravani

    Andrea Iravani

  11. Retarded scumbags in the surveillance state that have illegally invaded my life, brain, and property have forfeited their right to live, because they are unquestionably just too God damned f-ing retarded to beable to live.

    I am not your pedagogue you sick, worthless, insignificant, f-ing retards! If you have to spy on people, brain-rape people, or invade someone else’s property to be able to graduate from school, do your job, or live, then you are obviously just way too God damned f-ing retarded to be able to graduate from school, do your job, or be able to live.

    Hopefully today will be my lucky day when someone kills you.

    Why don’t you scumbags in the Grafton or Ozaukee police or FBI just kill me now? It sure as hell wouldn’t be the first time that the police or FBI just broke into an innocent person’s home and shot and killed them point blank for absolutely no reason!

    Is it because your wortjless snot nosed retarded slime ball brats are just as retarded as you scumbags are and are using me as a pedagogue, illegally enslaving me because they had the curse of being your children and inheriting your degenerate monkey tribe genes?!

    You refuse to arrest the criminals that have committed this crime spree on me, so you must be benefitting from it, because it is your job!

    Read the constitution you sick f-ing retarded scumbags in the surveillance/gestapo/kleptoquack organized crime ring!

    What else could explain it?!

    Andrea Iravani


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