Top Obama Adviser Warns Biden

(Liberty Bell) – Joe Biden is nearly 80-years-old and it shows. He’s become known for his trademark gaffes and losing his train of thought mid-sentence. Over the course of his first year in office he’s made a complete mockery of the US with his inability to speak coherently.

Countless times Biden has trailed off before a thought is complete, uttered pure nonsense, blankly stared into the camera, made nonsensical claims and told blatantly untrue stories.

He’s a national embarrassment.

As if his obvious cognitive decline wasn’t enough he’s led the US down an anti-American progressive path from which it will be extremely difficult to ever return.

His first year was marked by the ongoing crisis at the southern border which he created when he canceled President Trump’s successful and effective security measures. Then there was the disastrous Afghanistan debacle, his crackhead son Hunter Biden’s scandals, record inflation, skyrocketing crime rates and his massive legislation failures.

Needless to say, Biden’s first year in the White House has not gone well, especially not for Americans and Americans have every right to be angry about what’s been going on in our country.

Given the fact that tens of millions of Americans are, in fact, angry, former Obama campaign adviser, David Axelrod, is warning Biden to be careful when he addresses the nation in his upcoming state of the union address before Congress.

The Daily Wire reports that Axelrod is suggesting that Biden ought to “tone down his rhetoric” and paint a realistic picture of the way things really are in America while acknowledging the pain and anger Americans are feeling.

“But, Mr. President, proceed with caution,” Axelrod wrote. “Talk about the things you and Congress have done to help meet the challenges Americans are facing, for sure. Lay out your goals for the future, absolutely. Offer realistic hope for better days ahead.”

However, he went on to point out the grim reality of the actual state of our union, “Unsurprisingly, incidents of suicide, drug overdose deaths and violence in our homes and on the streets have grown dramatically. Frustrations with masks, mandates and shifting rules have deepened our political divides. Jobs have come roaring back, raising wages. But those wage increases have been eaten up by inflation, the likes of which we have not seen in four decades. And all the while, the rich have gotten richer.

“The state of the union is stressed. To claim otherwise — to highlight the progress we have made, without fully acknowledging the hard road we have traveled and the distance we need to go — would seem off-key and out of touch,” he said.

“You simply cannot jawbone Americans into believing that things are better than they feel.”

Though no doubt Biden will try. He, nor anyone in his regime, will admit the damage being done to the US under his watch. That’s because it’s all by design. No wonder Biden’s approval ratings are in the toilet.

It doesn’t help that when reporters try to ask legitimate questions, Biden snaps on them and insults them instead of giving Americans real, meaningful answers. Just last week Biden scolded NBC’s Lester Holt, saying he was being a “wise guy” when he dared to ask about inflation.

Inflation has become a top concern for Americans and has recently reached the astronomical 7.5% mark in polling. Biden, however, refuses to take any responsibility and instead blames the inflation on “computer chips” and says it only “temporary.”

There’s no signs of anything getting better anytime soon and when Lester Holt asked Biden about the situation, the so-called president snapped at him and went off on one of his nonsensical tirades.

“Well, you’re being a wise guy with me a little bit, and I understand that’s your job. But look, at the time, what happened was the, uh, let’s look at the reasons for the inflation. And the reason for the inflation is the supply chains were cut off, meaning that the products, for example, automobiles, the lack of computer chips to be able to build those automobiles so they could function, they need those computer chips, they were not available,” Biden said.

On top of the disastrous state of the union, the Biden regime is now promising to cure cancer and reduce automobile accidents to zero but Axelrod warned that making these kinds of “lavish” promises will not bode well for the regime.

He said Biden needs to “recognize that we are still in the grips of a national trauma. Polls show that the vast majority of Americans believe we are on the wrong track, and people will have little patience for lavish claims of progress that defy their lived experiences.”

The State of the Union Address is sure to be interesting.

Copyright 2022.


  1. Slavery is illegal in the United States, but that has not stopped the kleptocrats in the surveillance state/gestapo/kleptoquack organized crime ring from illegally enslaving me as a pedagogue.

    The majority of slaves in Greece were female pedagogues that accompanied aristocrtic boys to school and did all of their thinking for them because their own mothers were just too God damned f-ing stupid to and so were the boys.

    The reason for the mental incompetency of Greek aristocrats was because they used lead utensiles, cups, bowls, and pots.

    You are not entitled tp enslave me by spying on me or by brain raping me.

    Get a job at McDonalds or Amazon.

    You are lazy, evil, mentally incompetent, morally depraved, mutant monkeys and it is time for you sick worthless retarded scumbags to accept your rightful places in this world!

    Probably yet just another coincidence that after initially posting this above comment Andrew Napolitano had an article on Global Research regarding surveillance which Napolitano was wrong about again in claiming that the fourth amendment restrictions on spying on people only applies to the federal government. That is absolute bullshit. There are scores of laws that prevent others from spying on people often known as peeping tom laws enacted by states and the federal government, in addition to illegal eavesdropping laws, and anti-stalking laws often include the use illegal surveillance as a form of stalking.

    You really can’t expect a former judge to know or understand the law though. That would just be expectimg way too much from a government employee.

    EO 12333 and all of the other surveillance is illegal. FISA courts are illegal secret organized crime rings. A secret agreement to violate another person’s rights is a secret agreement to commit organized crime.

    You’re scum and we know it! FU and your monkey tribe! Useless, Unworthy, Unnecessary, Uninvited, Unwanted, monkey see monkey do monkey tribe losers!

    A secret police/surveillance state existed in the Byzantine Empire, known as The Curiossi. My guess is that that is where the phrase curiosity killed the cat originated, followed by copy cat, because cats are notoriously independently mined creatures and copying behavior is not something that cats are known for. It is something that monkeys and parrots are known for, but not cats. Everybody hates spies. Everbody always has. The Russians had a Death to Spies program. The Brits attempted to revamp ( no pun intended ) the image of spies with James Bond. The United States showed them the real deal. Richard Nixon. Not exactly the image of the s*xy spy that the Brits had hoped to portray, but a real turn off. The Brits were more accurate with Inspector Clousseau as the typical image of a spy. In America they attempted to revamp the image of the spy by calling them intelligence agents, even though they are the biggest f-ing morons in the country, which they never stop proving.

    This is ridiculous that you are censoring the word s*xy! I tried posting it with correct spelling and it did not post.

    Andrea Iravani

  2. Amazon warehouses are apparently still trying to unionize, voluntarily offering a 2.5% hourly wage tax to the Teamsters union. Take one for the team and pay a $50 monthly tax to a thug that will not do a damned thing for you!

    There are about one million Amazon warehouse workers, so that would be about $620 million a year in union dues if every warehouse unionizes.

    Democracy and Capitalism at work!

    Yippee! Union thugs capitalizing off of your labor!

    Wahoo! Get me a Leer Jet and a football team!

    Andrea Iravani

  3. I am begining to see some of the Pentagon’s recent “accounting errors”, because Patriot missile systems deployed around Russia when Trump was first elected are being reported to have been requested by those countries after it was reported that they were already deployed.

    That really should not come as a surprise since there were $21 trillion in Pentagon “accounting errors” between 1998 and 2016!

    Internet searches regarding the issue do not even reveal what I am searching for in most cases, for example, blankets and pillows being sent are revealed, so unless they plan on havng a slumber party and a pillow fight, it just looks like the algo controllers are trying to intentionally conceal these things!

    Andrea Iravani

  4. Biden claims that Ukraine does not have U.S. missiles. 

    Sputnik reports:

    “The United States and NATO are not a threat to Russia. Ukraine is not threatening Russia, neither the US nor NATO have missiles in Ukraine. We do not have plans to put them there as well. We are not targeting the people of Russia. We do not seek to destabilize Russia. To the citizens of Russia: ‘You are not our enemy’,” Biden added.- Sputnik

    Biden is having memory lapses. 

    Trump sent missiles to Ukraine. When Trump was first elected, he surrounded Russia with missiles, or, the rogue military just did what ever they damn well pleased. 

    U.S. Missile systems are surrounding Russia and have ben deployed in Romania, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Ukraine.

    this is from abc:
    “The Trump administration has touted the sale as evidence it is “tougher” on Russia than President Barack Obama, although its Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations sought to downplay the significance on Monday.

    “There is what I view as an artificial distinction between lethal and non-lethal military equipment,” Ambassador Kurt Volker said in Washington on Monday, comparing anti-tank missiles to a counter-battery radar that improves targeting to attack and kill an enemy firing mortars. “That’s non-lethal and an anti-tank missile, which sits in a box and doesn’t get used unless you have a tank coming at you, is lethal. Both are clearly defensive weapons.”

    The sale is intended to boost Ukrainian military forces as they continue to fight Russian-backed separatists, according to U.S. officials, who argue the U.S. is only supporting Ukraine’s right to self-defense.

    “The Javelin system will help Ukraine build its long-term defense capacity to defend its sovereignty and territorial integrity in order to meet its national defense requirements,” the Pentagon’s Defense Security Cooperation Agency said in a statement Thursday.

    U.S. personnel will travel to Ukraine to train their military on its use, the agency added.

    Russia has not yet commented on the official notification, but Sergei Ryabkov, Russia’s deputy foreign minister, responded harshly in December when news of the sale first broke.

    “The United States in a certain sense crossed the line, announcing the intention to transfer weapons of direct damaging action to Ukraine,” the statement said, translated from Russian. “American weapons can lead to new victims in our neighboring country, to which we cannot remain indifferent.” -abc

    Andrea Iravani

  5. The Ugly Pacifism that Destroyed Humanity

    Michel Chossudovsky’s pacifism, and others in the survellance/gestapo/kleptoquack organized crime ring have destroyed humanity entirely.

    Michel Chossudovsky is a pacifist and has refused to publicly hold accountable anyone other than an extremely small group of individuals over the fake pandemic brought on by the fake virus.

    Michel Chossudovsky’s mission is self-evident, to continue to save the guilty murderous, narcissistic megalomaniacs that are directly responsible for the world’s worst crimes against humanity by giving them narcissistic supply on his website in a super-man complex scam that continue to put forth blatant lies and continue to let this murderous rampage to take place.

    This should not really be all that surprising considering that Chossudovsky was an economic consultant to the WEF, the UN, and the W.H.O. and several nation states that are in lock step with the fake pandemic narrative.

    It appears that Chossudovsky is the ring leader in all of this, to be perfectly honest, the same way that the FBI and police illeagally entrap people to commit acts of terrorism.

    Michel Chossudovsky has never criticized the Chinese government on a single occasion because of Omerta apparently. It is certainly not for a lack of things to criticize the Chinese government over!

    Michel Chossudovsky wants people to believe that he opposes all of this, yet it was China that started this. That cannot be denied.
    Covid-19 does not exist any more than Puff the Magic Dragon exists, but China was the first country to sound alarms and lock down Wuhan over protests from real estate market collapses, waste incinerators, and human rights abuses that they did not want to spill over into the highly televised Chinese New Year parade, and also because of declining exports coinciding with the Chinese real estate market collapse.

    Chossudovsky is a typical Brit. Rabidly and venomously anti-American. Chossudovsky keeps blaming America for this. America played a large role in this. To ignore the role that China played in this would be the equivalent of ignoring the role that Adolf Hitler played in the holocaust. China still has a zero tolerance covid policy. This ludicrous psy-op is a Marxist tactic employing an ends justify the means mentality by any means necessary, and Chossudovsky has not publicly denounced China over this policy on a single occasion on his website. Chossudovsky has demonstrated through both his actions and inactions to be of the same mind, that the ends justify the means by any means necessary, which is the same tactic used by Bill Gates and those that continue to push forth this murderous rampage of innocents, and those that refuse to demand that those responsible are prosecuted. The universities around the world played an immense role in all of this. Chossudovsky wants to pacify the scumbags that have insisted on students being injected with poisonous shots. Chossudovsky thinks that these evil, monstrous, narcissistic, megalomaniacal scumbags should not be prosecuted for this policy of forcing students to be injected with these poisonous shots.

    All of the teachers and professors in schools should have just quit their jobs when these evil policies were put in place, including masking, testing, and distancing.

    The fact that they did not do that shows that they believe that they are more important and valuable to society than the children and students that they teach. They are the foxes guarding the hen house. There is no longer any doubt about that after the fake pandemic. We recall the safe spaces at schools and universities after Trump won the election, as another example of the way that these monsters are using children and students to do their bidding for them. It is obviously a hostage situation. There is obviously not any safe space with these monsters on the loose.

    Just yet another reason to oppose unions! The teachers unions and nurses unions are among the most powerful unions in America, and also the AFLCIO. It was the union bosses that were promising a Marxist Utopia to union members, which carried out the bloodiest genocide in world history! The targeted genocide?!  Humanity!

    The teachers and nurses could have and should have demanded that unions strike when this first started, way before the vaccine roll out ever statrted! 

    The teachers unions and the nurses unions did the opposite, and demanded lock downs, forced testing, forced masking, and forced social distancing for everyone except BLM, Anti-fa, and Extinction Rebellion.

    Andrea Iravani

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