So Much For Secure: Dems Tell Biden He ‘Must’ Stop Hacking Of Voting Machines

(Liberty Bell) – Hey, remember when Democrats said that our elections are the safest and most secure in the world and that the 2020 election specifically was the most secure in our nation’s history?

If you dared to suggest that wasn’t true you were written off as some tinfoil hat wearing, QAnon conspiracy nut who is working around the clock to try and disenfranchise minority voters.

If that were the case then why are Democrats now asking for $5 billion to spend on election security because elections are apparently not secure enough? Seems fishy, right?

Of course, to anyone with a functioning brain cell, this should immediately get your Spidey senses tingling. Something is rotten in Denmark.

According to a report from The Western Journal, a letter has been sent to President Joe Biden that was authorized by Sen. Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota and has been signed by a whopping three dozen Democratic senators. Upper chamber party legislators have made the argument that because of the record number of voters that participated in the last presidential election “to help both state and local election officials modernize their voting equipment, improve the administration of elections, and strengthen cybersecurity for election systems.”

“But don’t worry — Klobuchar and Co. insisted, as the line goes, that the 2020 elections were the ‘most secure in American history.’ Say anything other and you’ll get in trouble. We’re familiar with that at The Western Journal, particularly since Big Tech and fact-checkers like to ding anyone who calls election integrity into question. We’ll keep on fighting for secure and fair voting, however — and you can help us in our fight by subscribing,” the report said.

“In the Tuesday letter, Klobuchar — along with 32 other senators, representing the vast majority of the Democratic senatorial caucus — argued that $5 billion in funding is needed for election security grants in the 2023 budget,” the report continued.

“The letter was also signed by Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin of Illinois and Sens. Cory Booker of New Jersey, Chris Coons of Delaware, Dianne Feinstein of California, Tim Kaine of Virginia, Ed Markey of Massachusetts, Raphael Warnock of Georgia, and Bernie Sanders, the Vermont independent who caucuses with the Democrats,” said the report.

The reason has to do with the nearly 160 million American citizens who cast a ballot in 2020, which is numerically the most in our nation’s history.

The letter itself seemed to parrot the line tossed around by the Department of Homeland Security cybersecurity expert Christopher Krebs saying the election was the “most secure in American history.”

However, the senators went on to state that this was only because of the 2018 and 2020 election security grants from Congress, and the funding from the CARES Act.

The letter then went on to claim, “provided election officials with resources to take on the additional obstacles of administering safe and secure elections during the coronavirus pandemic.”

“While past funding has been critical, we must continue to help both state and local election officials modernize their voting equipment, improve the administration of elections, and strengthen cybersecurity for election systems,” the letter stated.

“Six states still widely use voting systems that do not produce paper ballots. The EAC also recently approved an updated version of the voluntary voting system guidelines that will lead to investments in more modern voting systems,” it continued.

“In addition, election officials are facing a surge in threats and harassment that have left many worried for their safety, raising concerns about the ability of state and local governments to retain and recruit officials, workers, and volunteers for future elections,” the letter read.

The letter then cited an analysis that said over the course of the next ten years, “$50 billion would be needed for election administration and security. Based on this analysis, a group of Secretaries of State and Chief Election Officials have also requested that the federal government provide $5 billion in election grants for FY 2023.”

If you look on Klobuchar’s Senate page, you’ll find a link to a study conducted by the Election Infrastructure Initiative, which goes on to state that America requires the money in order to “modernize our election administration and operations, bolster cybersecurity, replace voting machines, update voter registration systems, and strengthen post-election audits.”

This apparently includes “[p]atching critical cybersecurity vulnerabilities” and “[i]nvesting in election management equipment, including ballot sorters, envelope openers and stuffers, and ballot verification technology.”

The letter also goes on to mention the notorious voter overhaul the Democratic Party wants too.

“While funding is not a substitute for Congress passing comprehensive legislation to protect the freedom to vote and stop the ongoing attacks on our democracy, we must ensure that state and local election officials continue to receive the resources needed to administer, improve, and modernize our elections,” the letter stated.

This piece of legislation would negatively impact voting security in a number of different ways, but that doesn’t really seem to affect the Democratic Party who are eager to shove this bill down our necks.

“In the end, though, we’re faced with two mutually exclusive scenarios: We either have an electoral system that safely and securely handled the 160 million votes that were cast in 2020 or we need tens of billions in grants over the next decade to protect it from cybersecurity threats, among other things. The system was apparently watertight just a year and three months ago, but is now so desperately leaky it needs $50 billion over 10 years,” the WJ report read.

This really just sounds like the cover for a plot to take our nation and destroy it through the use of our voting system, wouldn’t you agree?

Copyright 2022.


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