SHOWDOWN: Ex-Navy SEALs Running For Congress Unite To Take Down ‘Grave Threat’ Nancy Pelosi

(Liberty Bell) – The American people have had enough of the radical left’s anti-American agenda and many are stepping up and getting involved in ways they never have before.

America is in desperate need of saving. This is not dramatic rhetoric. This is reality. Unless the American people do something, this great country is going to permanently fall under the control of maniacal leftists who want a New World Order.

Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), is one of the most well-known faces of the radical left but now she’s got a target on her back.

Six former Navy SEALs, all with combat experience, are running for the House of Representatives in the fast-approaching November midterms and they all have one goal in their sights: unseating Pelosi.

The group released an ad on Tuesday through a political action committee and they want potential voters to know their mission is clear. They want Pelosi to be shut down.

The ad is only 30 seconds long but is highly effective. It showcases the six former SEALs and the congressional districts each is campaigning in. It also clearly drives the point home that they want Pelosi gone.

“They took a blood oath to defend America,” the narrator intones.

“They understand that the only easy day was yesterday. They know that our enemies are no match for their strength and their courage. These former Navy SEALs have protected America from enemies all over the world.”

At the end of the ad, a picture of Nancy Pelosi is shown and the narrator says, “Now they have one grave threat left to defeat,” and closes with, “Join them.”

The ad could not be more clear. Nancy Pelosi is a threat to the US and so is every single lock-step Democrat in Congress. Americans are beginning to see this truth now.

Since the Biden regime usurped power after the stolen election, we’ve seen just how bad Democratic policies have been for America.

Biden has disgraced America on the international stage and has all but crashed our economy. Inflation is through the roof, grocery store shelves are bare in many parts of the US, Americans are out of good paying jobs, and the COVID charade still rages on.

Pelosi and her Senate counterpart Chuck Schumer have been doing their part to destroy America from within long before Biden took the White House.

The House has just recently passed a bill that would destroy elections in the US by giving the federal government total control of elections among other preposterous measures, like outlawing voter ID laws and making it impossible for states to ban ballot harvesting.

Fortunately, there are two Senators, Joe Manchin(WV) and Krysten Sinema (AZ), standing in the gap but the reality is, there would be no danger of this egregious bill even passing the Senate if it weren’t for Nancy Pelosi and her demented agenda.

Pelosi was the most visible figure of the “resistance” to President Trump during his tenure and it was Pelosi who orchestrated and led two sham impeachment attempts against the duly elected Trump.

She has shamelessly used the pandemic as a cover to push outrageous spending bills through Congress and it’s Pelosi who is pushing for the anti-American election “reform.”

Pelosi is a true threat to the US and now she’s being targeted by six Navy SEAL combat veterans.

The SEAL PAC website gives the following information on the six SEALs:

Eli Crane is running in Arizona’s 1st Congressional District; Brady Duke in Florida’s 7th Congressional District; Ed Thelander in Maine’s 1st Congressional District; Ryan Zinke in Montana’s 1st Congressional District; Morgan Luttrell, in Texas’ 8th Congressional District; and Derrick Van Orden in Wisconsin’s 3rd Congressional District.

Pelosi’s days are numbered. The midterms are sure to bring major defeat to the Democrats and their radical, anti-American agenda.

Copyright 2022.


  1. So, tell me, InfraTards, why are you spying on me and everyone else? Are you paranoid schizophrenics, or do you have Munchausen’s Syndrome and just want to let me know that you are spying on me by constantly repeating things that I have said, or done, or written about in emails not addressed to you, so that when I tell people you hope that they will just think I’m crazy,  or are you sick retards, or are you sick perverted feaks, or are you serial criminal psychopathic thieves, or did the dogs eat your brains, or is it a combination of those?! 


    What does someone have to do in order to free themselves from the InfraTard scumbags ?! Go into solitary confinement or die? What happens when the threats made by the InfraTards of solitary confinement in a prison or death are more appealing options than living in a world with the InfraTard destructive parasites roaming around freely, murdering, terrorizing, vandalizing, censoring, stealing, and destroying everyone and everything good and just? At that point they have lost all power over everyone.

    InfraTard scumbags threw a hissy fit because I wanted to outlaw 501c3s and fake charitible trusts that have destroyed the country and are fraud schemes. They have been attacking me like a school of piranhas. I am right they are wrong. The evidence proves it. Their opinions are just not worth enough to be considered charitible acts. They donate money to themselves and their relatives and pollute the airwaves and internet with their worthless, hackneyed opinions amd hair brained schemes like the fake pandemic and B.L.M. looting, arson, and vandalism financed by these behemoth fraudulent charitible trust foundations like The Ford Foundation, while denying pensions to their employees that they promised, or forcing their pension plans onto tax payers like US Steel did, which was owned by J.P. Morgan.

    Most people in congress have also started these fraudulent tax dodging schemes, while simultaneously raising our taxes and estate taxes,  and so have presidents and former InfraTard employees and other lazy, incompetent, worthless swine that are cheating their way through life by running fake charities. They are mentally incompetent megalomaniacs running the country into ruin. That is their plan, so that they can continue to profiteer off of the destruction of our lives and legitimate small and medium sized businesses and family farms. All that they ask for is everything, including our brains, our thoughts, our DNA, our histories, our property, our posessions, and all of our constitutional rights, and right to self-determination. They want to own everything and everyone one on earth, and make all decisions regarding everyone and everything on earth. It is all that they ask of us. What is not to hate about them? What is not resistible about them? The only things that they have mastered are being evil, corrupt, greedy, abusive, cowardly, selfish, dysfunctional, spineless, incompetent, destructive, parasitic, lazy, kleptocracic, terrorists, dictatorial, narcissistic, sadistic, insane, hedonistic, deceptive, partisan, propaganda, and being  anti-American.

    Andrea Iravani

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