New Biden Hire Is Drag Queen Who Wears Stilettos, Discusses Sex With Animals, And Calls NIH Chief ‘Daddy Fauci’

(Liberty Bell) – Okay, so we all know very well by now that liberalism is most definitely a mental disorder, however, we are getting more and more indications that not only are most folks on the left mentally ill, a number of them are sexual perverts as well.

And to make matters worse, these sick and twisted perverts are actually occupying high-level positions within our government.

According to a report from The National Pulse, a new high-level hire for the Department of Energy’s Office of Nuclear Energy is an LGBTQ+ (feel free to toss on some additional letters if you wish) and a drag queen has actually given lectures on kink at various college campuses, not to mention participation in interviews about fetish role play.

In one of these interviews, Sam Brinton, the drag queen who is now a top member of the Biden administration, actually chatted about sex with animals.

Like was stated earlier, some liberals are sexual deviants.

“Brinton – who has written in opposition to ‘gay conversion therapy’ – was recently tapped to serve as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy. He also goes by ‘Sister Ray Dee O’Active’ – his drag queen alter ego,” the Pulse story said.

Here’s a bit about Brinton from the bio on his own website.

“Sam has worn his stilettos to Congress to advise legislators about nuclear policy and to the White House where he advised President Obama and Michelle Obama on LGBT issues. He shows young men and women everywhere he goes that they can be who they are and gives them courage. Once, while he was walking around Disney World in 6 inch stilettos with his boyfriend, a young gay boy saw Sam with his boyfriend and started crying. He told his mother, ‘It’s true, Mom. WE can be our own princess here,'” the site said.

“Brinton is an active member of the Washington, D.C. chapter of a drag queen society known as the ‘Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence,’ which lists him as the principal contact on its 2016 and 2018 tax forms. During the group’s ‘Lavender Mass 2021,’ Brinton can be seen referring to Anthony Fauci, who was declared a ‘saint,’ as ‘Daddy Fauci,'” the Pulse reported.

Feel free to retrieve some sort of receptacle and expel the contents of your stomach.

Keep in mind that Dr. Fauci has been slammed repeatedly for the role he played in the HIV/AIDs crisis that took place in the 1980s, with many gay rights activists referring to him as an “incompetent idiot” and a “murderer.”

“The new Biden-Harris nuclear official has been involved in LGBTQ+ activism since college, was interviewed by Metro Weekly about the group, where he emphasized he is the ‘slutty one,'” the report revealed.

“The Sisters mission is in complete alignment with my passion for removing the guilt people feel every day (unjustly placed on them, let your freak flag fly!) and the joy the Sisters bring is so, so, so beautiful,” Brinton continued.

During a different interview, Brinton goes on to explain how does sexual roleplays as a “pup” handler (screenshot here). Goodness, this stuff is so nasty.

“I actually have trouble when we transition from pup play to having sex,” Brinton said.

“Like, ‘No, I can’t have you whimper like that when we’re having sex,’ because I don’t want to mix that world. It’s interesting, because he doesn’t have to come out of pup mode to have me f*** him. I personally have to bring him out of pup perception for me. But then I’m still treating him as a submissive to me,” he continued.


In the same interview, the drag queen turned Biden official also appeared to be rather annoyed of criticism for “liking to have sex with animals.”

“One of the hardest things about being a handler is that I’ve honestly had people ask, ‘Wait, you have sex with animals?’” Sam goes on to say. “They believe it’s abusive, that it’s taking advantage of someone who may not be acting up to a level of human responsibility… The other misperception is that I have some really messed up background, like, did I have some horrible childhood trauma that made me like to have sex with animals.”

“Brinton has also lectured on kink at college campuses, including a class for the University of Wisconsin-Stout Gender and Sexuality Alliance on the ‘Physics of Kink’ on March 7th, 2018. A description on Instagram said the session was to include ‘live demos on the tension forces of bondage, thermodynamics of wax play, physics of impact, and circuits of electro play!'” the Pulse revealed in its report.

Brinton actually led a “Kink 101” session over at the University of Nebraska at Omaha. Here is a photograph of Brinton, sporting a dress, standing over three males who are kneeling while wearing leather bondage like dog masks on their heads.

Brinton also previously worked with the Obama White House on LGBTQ+ issues as well as Congress concerning nuclear policy.

And this, folks, is who the Biden administration has hired for a critical position dealing with nuclear energy.

Are we doomed?

Copyright 2022.


  1. What could lead a group of people to become so desperate that they would resort to killing my parents, one of my brothers, and my dog, and committing a sick sadistic pre-meditated crime spee on me that has involved illegal, unconsented, uninformed surgery, false diagnosis, perjury, medical fraud, illegal medical experimentation, hacking, black bag job breakins, theft and vandalism, organized community stalking, online organized community stalking, terrorism, torture, false imprisonment of me in my own home, and illegal enslavement through spying on me and stealing my property?

    I have no idea, you would have to ask Grafton President James Brunnquell, the Grafton Police, and Senator Ron Johnson, they won’t tell me though.

    Andrea Iravani

  2. Yeah, Retardicans, an empty trucker convoy is really going to solve the cargo cults problems. All of the Retardicans are fully supporting it because it is called the Freedom Convoy, even though it is depriving Ottawans of their freedom of mobility and commerce. You would think that after The Patriot Act, The American Freedom Act, MAGA, The Heroes Act, and Stop the Steal, that the stupid F-ing retards would have caught on by now. They are not on your side retards! WUA! Wake Up America! You are sleep walking in the zombie apocalypse into your own enslavement in “The Promised Land” ! I thought that you were complaining about inflation! This will increase inflation by disrupting the free flow of goods and interrupting commerce! It will create scarcity since products will not be able to be transported to their destinations, which will have inflationary effects! This is just another one of the many premeditated supply chain disruptions tactics used to create bottle-necking in supply chains used for justifying price increases in the covididiot voodoo economy! That is all that it is! Oh, and just another gimmick used by the police state to extort money from tax payers for policing! Ottawa is claiming that it is spending
    $800,000 Canadian dollars a day for policing, which is obviously bullshit! And it is just another excuse used to rob citizens of even more freedom and initiate further fascist freedom depriving measures!
    The scumbags in the surveillance/police state are capitalizing off of your misery and using it as an excuse for enslaving you and holding you hostage! Trump is holding Stop the Steal prisoners as hostages! He said that in order to free them, you have to re-elect him so that he will pardon them! He is a scumbag! You can’t fix stupid, as Ron White said. Freedom Convoy truckers in Canada used their own children as human shields in order to try to prevent Ottawa police from trying to arrest themselves! You really can’t be anymore of a scumbag than that! The scumbag Republican American presstitutes have taken on the role that Jewish George Soros took on during the Nazi Occupation of Hungary, which he said were the happiest days of his life, as a Nazi sympathizer that sent his Jewish brotheren into concentration camps. Don’t trust the media! Don’t trust the Republicans! Don’t trust the Democrats! Don’t trust the protesters! These are all psy-ops by monied interests with very specific monetary objectives in mind! None of it has a damned thing to do with freedom!

    Andrea Iravani

    • This is also just more evidence against Michel Chossudovsky former economic consultant for the W.E.F., U.N., W.H.O., and about a dozen countries in lockstep with the whole psy-op, and Peter Koening, former economic consultant for the World Bank, that feign being sympathetic to We the People!

      I stated before that they are acting like Agent Provocateurs, and the stupid bastards just keep proving me right!

      They really are sick evil monsters of monumental proportions! Godzilla and King Kong!

      They are riding both sides of the gravy train! Chossudovsky has been cheering the Freedom Convoy on! As if he does not know things things about which I have said! He just pretends that none of the things that I have said about the Freedom Convoy are true. You would think that an economist would call into question an $800,000 a day policing budget for the convoy, or the disruption of commerce and the supply chain bottlenecking that it is creating! They have entirely discredited themselves! They are also spying on me, gas-lighting me, parroting me, and online stalking me! Really sick losers!

      Andrea Iravani

  3. Yeah, Retardicans, an empty trucker convoy is really going to solve the cargo cults problems. All of the Retardicans are fully supporting it because it is called the Freedom Convoy, even though it is depriving Ottawans of their freedom of mobility and commerce. You would think that after The Patriot Act, The American Freedom Act, MAGA, and The Heroes Act, that the stupid F-ing retards would have caught on by now. You can’t fix stupid, as Ron White said.

    Andrea Iravani

  4. The U.S. Military is Now Targeting Vulnerable American Women, Because That is all that They are Capable of Doing

    The sick, creepy, cowardly, fancy pants, pansie boy, scumbag retards that have been anonymously terrorizing me must be doing it for military training to defeat Russia.

    The U.S. military is not even capable of defeating Cuba, and we know that for a fact, because they tried it with The Bay of Pigs, and failed.

    I guess that with a sick, creepy, retarded scumbag like Ron Johnson on the senate “intelligence” committee, he thought that if they could anonymously defeat a vulnernable woman, then it could boost their morale, and they could move on to defeating a country like Moldova, and then Sri Lanka, and then Qatar, and after Qatar, Belarus.

    Ron Johnson wants to be treated with respect, but Ron Johnson is unworthy of respect because he has permitted this to happen to me and he is on the senate “intelligence” committee. Ron Johnson has been informed by me of the terrorism perpetrated against me and has done nothing about it.

    Defeating Russia is a crack pie dream, because you can’t fix stupid, as comedian Ron White pointed out, but you can kill stupid.

    Andrea Iravani

  5. Michel Chossudovsky’s pacifism, and others in the survellance/gestapo/kleptoquack organized crime ring have destroyed humanity entirely.

    Michel Chossudovsky is a pacifist and has refused to publicly hold accountable anyone other than an extremely small group of individuals over the fake pandemic brought on by the fake virus.

    Michel Chossudovsky’s mission is self-evident, to continue to save the guilty murderous, narcissistic megalomaniacs that are directly responsible for the world’s worst crimes against humanity by giving them narcissistic supply on his website in a super-man complex scam that continue to put forth blatant lies and continue to let this murderous rampage to take place.

    This should not really be all that surprising considering that Chossudovsky was an economic consultant to the WEF, the UN, and the World Bank and several nation states that are in lock step with the fake pandemic narrative.

    It appears that Chossudovsky is the ring leader in all of this, to be perfectly honest, the same way that the FBI and police illeagally entrap people to commit acts of terrorism.

    Michel Chossudovsky has never criticized the Chinese government on a single occasion because of Omerta apparently. It is certainly not for a lack of things to criticize the Chinese government over!

    Michel Chossudovsky wants people to believe that he opposes all of this, yet it was China that started this. That cannot be denied.
    Covid-19 does not exist any more than Puff the Magic Dragon exists, but China was the first country to sound alarms and lock down Wuhan over protests from real estate market collapses, waste incinerators, and human rights abuses that they did not want to spill over into the highly televised Chinese New Year parade, and also because of declining exports coinciding with the Chinese real estate market collapse.

    Chossudovsky is a typical Brit. Rabidly and venomously anti-American. Chossudovsky keeps blaming America for this. America played a large role in this. To ignore the role that China played in this would be the equivalent of ignoring the role that Adolf Hitler played in the holocaust. China still has a zero tolerance covid policy. This ludicrous psy-op is a Marxist tactic employing an ends justify the means mentality by any means necessary, and Chossudovsky has not publicly denounced China over this policy on a single occasion on his website. Chossudovsky has demonstrated through both his actions and inactions to be of the same mind, that the ends justify the means by any means necessary, which is the same tactic used by Bill Gates and those that continue to push forth this murderous rampage of innocents, and those that refuse to demand that those responsible are prosecuted. The universities around the world played an immense role in all of this. Chossudovsky wants to pacify the scumbags that have insisted on students being injected with poisonous shots. Chossudovsky thinks that these evil, monstrous, narcissistic, megalomaniacal scumbags should not be prosecuted for this policy of forcing students to be injected with these poisonous shots.

    All of the teachers and professors in schools should have just quit their jobs when these evil policies were put in place, including masking, testing, and distancing.

    The fact that they did not do that shows that they believe that they are more important and valuable to society than the children and students that they teach. They are the foxes guarding the hen house. There is no longer any doubt about that after the fake pandemic. We recall the safe spaces at schools and universities after Trump won the election, as another example of the way that these monsters are using children and students to do their bidding for them. It is obviously a hostage situation. There is obviously not any safe space with these monsters on the loose.

    Andrea Iravani

    Stop hacking my commemts scumbag!

  6. Retarded scumbags in the surveillance state that have illegally invaded my life, brain, and property have forfeited their right to live, because they are unquestionably just too God damned 
    f-ing retarded to be able to live.

    I am not your or your retarded scumbag children’s pedagogue you sick, worthless, insignificant, f-ing retards! If you have to spy on people, brain-rape people, or invade someone else’s property to be able to graduate from school, do your job, or live, then you are obviously just way too God damned f-ing retarded to be able to graduate from school, do your job, or be able to live.

    Hopefully today will be my lucky day when someone kills you.

    Why don’t you scumbags in the Grafton or Ozaukee police or FBI just kill me now? It sure as hell wouldn’t be the first time that the police or FBI just broke into an innocent person’s home and shot and killed them point blank for absolutely no reason!

    Is it because your worthless snot nosed retarded slime ball brats are just as retarded as you scumbags are and are using me as a pedagogue, illegally enslaving me because they had the curse of being your children and inheriting your degenerate monkey tribe genes?!

    You refuse to arrest the criminals that have committed this crime spree on me, so you must be benefitting from it, because it is your job!

    Read the constitution you sick f-ing retarded scumbags in the surveillance/gestapo/kleptoquack organized crime ring!

    What else could explain it?!

    Andrea Iravani

  7. The scumbags in the surveillance/gestapo/kleptoquack state that have perpetrated this organized crime spree on me, and are involved in the fake pandemic and cover-up of it, and the 9/11 inside job and continued cover-up of it, have earned, are entitled to and deserve the same amount of respect that school shooters have earned, are entitled to, and deserve.

    Everyone else knows that serial criminal psychopaths that evil commit crimes against humanity are not entitled to being treated with respect!

    Why don’t you sick f-ing retards know that?!

    Andrea Iravani



    Zelensky is telling NATO to stop their fear mongering. AlJazeera Reports:

    Ukraine leader says warnings of Russian invasion stoking ‘panic’
    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has said that warnings of an imminent Russian attack on his country were stoking “panic” and demanded to see firm proof of a planned invasion.

    “We understand all the risks. We understand that the risks are there,” Zelensky told reports.

    “Right now, the people’s biggest enemy is panic in our country. And all this information is only provoking panic and not helping us,” he said.

    “If you or anyone has any additional information about a 100-percent chance of an invasion, give it to us,” he added. – AlJazeera

    The Natonians = Nationians  minus i for intelligence keep complaining that Russia has Russian troops stationed in Russia, Belarus, and Crimea. Where is it acceptable for the Natonians for Russia to station their troops? Where are Natonian troops stationed? Why aren’t U.S. troops stationed at our southern border stopping the onslaught of the passive aggressive coup that is overwhelming the courts, LEOS, education, and healthcare and sowing chaos and division among American citizens and legal and law abiding alien residents many of whom have been patiently waiting their turn in line, and have family members in other countries patiently waiting their turn in line while awarding criminals that have demonstrated every second that they are in America that they believe that they are above our laws, and that our laws do not apply to them? The only other people with such an outrageous sense of entitlement in America work for the government! I guess that that must be why the government bends over backwards to accomodate them while simultaneously robbing patriotic, law abiding American citizens blind and depriving us of our constitutional rights!

    Andrea Iravani

  9. Oh, So, not exactly Russia that Brits are invading Ukraine for, but rebels that refused to recognize the 2014 NATO sponsored coup in Ukraine. 

    Just a trivial and minor technicality though, they are anti-NATO so they may as well be Russian. If it walks like a Russian and talks like a Russian, its a Russian.

    The Brits are fighting a civil war for Zelensky.

    Sputniknews reports:

    “Basurin further indicated that People’s Militia intelligence has spotted British and Polish mercenaries operating in the vicinity of the settlements of Shirokino and Popasnaya, with their presence in the Donbass also said to be confirmed “by information from open sources.”

    “The Donetsk and Lugansk militias have spent weeks reporting on the buildup of Ukrainian armour vehicles, other equipment and personnel near the conflict zone in what they allege are preparations for an offensive.” -Sputnik

    Ukrainian S-300 missiles are also being sent to the autonmous regions.

    So, it will be Zelensky attacking Ukrainians in a bloody civil war backed by 15,000 Brits and NATO.

    Well, I guess that is how NATO is so certain that Ukraine will be attacked, they are just wrong about who will be attacking Ukraine.

    Andrea Iravani

  10. I really feel that the courts ruling against mandatory covid-19 shots was a painfully hollow victory for so many that have already lost their own lives or loved ones or worry everyday about the harmful effects of the shots on either their own lives or on the lives of loved ones.

    It is such an evil tragedy. The fact that it took this long to happen gives the appearance that those that launched the lawsuits had every intention of just letting everyone else fall victim to it.

    This recent suit was launched by 6,000 alledged intelligence law enforcement officers. The bastards let everyone else in the country be a victim of something that they were unwilling to subject themselves to, yet felt absolutely zero moral obligation to protect the rest of society, which is technically what they were hired to do. Those bloddy bastards really ought to be thrown in prison to rot for it! Who in the hell do thse scumbags think they are, that we should pay their lofty salaries and benefits after their dereliction of duty and gross negligence to perform the job that they were hired to do?!

    If they had an ounce of integrity, courage, or a backbone, they would have prosectuted the whole kleptocratic kleptoquack criminal
    enterprise at the onset of this charlatan medical mafia fraud scheme. The scumbags are guilty of treason. They know that it is dangerous, yet most Americans have already been a victim of it, or have had loved ones that have been. It is absolutely sickening and disgusting self-entitlement and self-exaltation!

    Really can’t feel any sense of gratitude over your self-entitled victory at this late stage in the game, after so many have been victims, scumbags! I honestly hope that you get run over by a Freedom Convoy truck! It wasn’t until your own ass was on the line that you decided to do anything about it and that is what you are paid to do! Same goes for the fake haelthcare workers! Don’t even get me started on those bloody Mengele bastards!

    Andrea Iravani

  11. It is suspicious as hell that Jake Sullivan is ordering Americans to leave Ukraine within 48 hours while simultaneously planning provactive “military operations” with fancy pants red coats while both Biden and BoJo are trying to salvage their political careers.

    It just reeks like hell to claim that they “know” that Russia is planning on attacking Ukraine at a time when they will be sending troops to the region when they really ought to be trying to de-escalate tensions in the region, they are doing the reverse and escalatng tensions in the region.

    They look like shit and they reek like politicians’ bullshit!

    They have not issued evacuation orders for Americans in Russia.

    They claim that they do not want to have to endanger any troops lives by having to rescue Americans stranded in Ukraine, so why risk American troops lives by sending them to the region for “military exercises” if they believe that Russia is going to attack Ukraine?!

    That is really taking Manifest Destiny to the utmost extremes!

    It is such bullshit! They are claiming that they are sending troops to help train and protect Europes eastern flank from Russia, as tens of thousands of illegal aliens pour in across our southern border!

    Why in the hell isn’t the military protecting our own borders?!


    BoJo sending 15,000 fancy oants directly into Ukraine, which the U.S. is thankfully NOT going to send troops into Ukraine!

    The British have a history of staging terrorist attacks! They did it twice in Syria, and I believe that they orchestrated the Afghanistan attack too. Everytime the United States wants to leave, they stage terrorist attacks, which the French keep doing in Africa! Then there is also the fact that the Texas Synagogue shooting was a British citizen with a violent history prison record and mental instability who appeared to be a trained Manchurian Candidate by all accounts. Then there are also all of the British World Cup Soccer bombings to go along with it. I think that it Biden admin knows that the British plan on staging a terrorist attack on Ukraine and is stupid enough to provide troops as cover to let the brits get away with it sowing confusion as to who the guilty party is.

    Why in the hell is the United States doing this when our own borders are completely unsecured from foreign invasion?! Are they really sending food and energy to Europe? Sure as hell wouldn’t surprise me, while food and energy prices are sky rocketing and food banks have been struggling in America!

    Andrea Iravani

  12. What is Next on the Agenda for the Sick Retarded American Scumbags?!

    I think that it is safe to say that the days of the surveillance state gestapo police state are over.

    The Surveillance State Gestapo  Scumbags and Kleptoquacks are Still Resisting Growing Up and Still Resisting Taking Responsibility for their Actions Like Responsible, Respectable Adults Are Expected to Do, While They Continue Being the World’s Worrst Role Models for American Children and Youths!!!

    *Covid-19 Is a Manic Delusion!

    *Russian Hackers denying Hillary Clinton the 2016 Election and Russian Plans to Invade Ukraine are Manic Delusions!

    *9/11 islamic Terrorists is a Manic Delusion!

    I’m Not Crazy! You Are! You are in Severe Denial of Your Mass Psychosis! You Would Not be Doing All of These Things if You Were Not in Total Denial of Your Severely Dangerous Mental Instability!

    The surveillance state gestapo police have proven themselves to be an evil organized ring full of monkey brained, uncivilized, wild animal barbarians on so many occasions now including:

    1.) The faked and staged 9/11 hoax
    2.) The seven false flag wars that followed suit as a result of it
    3.) The opioid epidemic brought on by the medical mafia and the occupation of Afghanstan used for the purpose of the third opium war
    4.) The $21 trillion missing from the Pentagon in accounting errors beween the years of 1998-2016
    5.) Gestapo police running illegal for profit illicit websites of children resulting in their enslavement, endangerment, and sxual exploitation
    6.) The Trump Russian conspiracy hoax including the Steele Dossier
    7.) The continued anti-Russian conspiracy theories that have persisted and grown unabated to this day since Trump was elected
    8.) The fake pandemic based on a fake virus 
    9.) Massive spending on space alien investigations when it is completely impossible for alien space ships to travel such distances
    10.) Over 500,000 missing persons in the United States
    11.) Deep fake videos made from animation software that has been available since Walt Disney’s early days
    12.) Unreliable technology that is not only easily compromised, but frequently compromised that has resulted in the compromise of national, corporate, and personal security
    13.) Continued bail outs of the tech sector, despite the fact that they have a failed business model that parasitically and fraudulently feeds off of their consumers in bait and switch fraud scemes

    It’s just not working out for anyone except those that are in it. They have convinced themselves that their persistence of terrorizing everyone will pay off, despite the fact that everything that they are doing is sick, evil, sadistic, and corrupt. They have transformed the internet from an information and communication tool to an evil and censorious mind control tool with manipulated search results where sick, perverse, cowardly, morally depraved, fascist goons try to implement operant conditioning on users, not in the name of science of course, but for the sake of sick, perverted, power hungry, tyranny! They have abused the power that has been granted to them, as all tyrants do. It is totally unethical and illegal to perform psychological and research experiments on people without their consent. Forced consent is not consent.
    I have nine credits in psychology, so I am not an expert, but I do not need to be an expert to know that!

    Andrea Iravani

    Stop hacking my comments! You are sick as hell! It is completely illegal! You belong in prison!


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