Leaked: CDC Won’t Drop School Mask ‘Guidance’

(Liberty Bell) – In case you haven’t noticed, the radical left in this country, which has seemingly infiltrated every single agency in our government, seems to have a vested interest in keeping the coronavirus pandemic going, usurping authority from the American people, all the while lending pharmaceutical companies a hand so they can make a lot of bank.

A good case in point is how the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention are refusing to drop guidance concerning mask mandates for schools.

News outlet WND is reporting that European countries, along with Democratic governors across the U.S., are starting to drop mask mandates for kids in school, but CDC Director Rochelle Walensky spoke with lawmakers in a private virtual briefing this week, explaining that her agency would continue to recommend that children remain masked up.

“Along with White House coronavirus Dr. Anthony Fauci, Walensky briefed the House Energy and Commerce Committee, whose members were perplexed by the policy stance, according to Robby Soave of Reason magazine, who obtained a recording,” the report went on to note.

“Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R–Wash., the committee’s ranking Republican member, pointed out that an Arizona study that the CDC regularly cites to justify its guidance was debunked by David Zweig in The Atlantic,” the report said.

McMorris Rodgers, referred to the U.S. guidance as an “outlier” going on to note that the World Health Organization and UNICEF have both come to the conclusion that forcing kids under the age of 5 does way more bad than good, and for kids who are between the ages of 6 to 11, other factors, such as learning and social development, need to be considered when deciding what course of action to take on masks.

“My question today, my one question, is Dr. Walensky, will you commit to update your guidance by Friday to allow children in person without the burden of masks?” the lawmaker went on to ask.

“Walensky refused to make any commitment while acknowledging the ‘limitations’ of the Arizona study and others relied on by the CDC,” WND stated in its report.

“They all have limitations, and that’s important to recognize because we are not randomizing schools,” she went on to say. “We have to control for whether there are windows, ventilation and other activities happening outside of these schools. So all of these studies have limitations. But they are for the most part uniformly pointing to that when there’s a lot of disease out there, the masks are preventing that disease and preventing that transmission and because of that we are able to keep our schools open.”

Dr. Anthony Fauci stated during an interview on Wednesday with Chuck Todd of MSNBC that school kids need to keep wearing masks.

“It’s understandable why people want to take masks off the kids. But, right now, given the level of activity that we have, it is risky,” he stated.

On Tuesday of this week, Johns Hopkins University professor Dr. Marty Makary said in an interview that the CDC is “using science as political propaganda,” going on to refer to the Arizona study as “deeply flawed.”

“It really is offensive. It should be offensive to anybody who believes in science, including our nation’s physicians. This is using science as political propaganda,” he remarked in his response. “The absolute worst studies that were done during the pandemic came out of the CDC.”

“In the briefing Tuesday, after she was pressed further by other Congress members, Walensky said local jurisdictions are free to disregard the CDC’s guidance, according to the recording obtained by Soave,” the WND report said.

“I will also say that guidance is just guidance, and all of these decisions, we’ve continued to say, have to be made at the local level,” she continued. “As cases come down dramatically, we have deferred our guidance to the local jurisdictions.”

However, Rep. Palmer, a Republican from Alaska, made the cause that many cautious local jurisdictions are waiting for the CDC permission to relax their current COVID policies.

“That’s not acceptable,” Palmer commented on Walensky’s answer.

Heck, even Democratic representative Rep. Anna Eshoo of the extremely liberal state of California is totally baffled by Walensky’s guidance on masks for school children.

“You hear the word confusion over and over again,” remarked Eshoo. “But here’s another one for you: masking. You know where I live in the Bay Area, the peninsula in the heart of Silicon Valley? Schools, cities, towns, counties: you’re saying one thing, and they’re doing something else. And this is a highly educated area, too. I trust our public health officials here. So my first question and my second point to you, Dr. Walensky, why do we have to be on two different tracks? Isn’t there some kind of public health consensus about this?”

Walensky responded by going on to cite national figures of 170,000 cases and 2,200 deaths per day, however, Eshoo stopped her dead in her tracks.

“When you use the national figures, that’s not a snapshot of where we are, so can you take that into consideration as you’re giving me an answer?” answered Eshoo.

“Absolutely,” replied Walensky. “We know that all of these decisions have to be made at the jurisdictional level. So not only do we report the national data, but we have to report them at the jurisdictional level, because we know that we ask the jurisdictions to look at their local context, to look at their local cases, to look at how their hospitals are doing, to look at their local death rates.

And that is exactly what I think is happening across the country in a phased way. Many different policies are rolling out. Some are saying they’re removing masks. Now some are saying they’re removing masks at the end of the month. Some say we’re removing masks at the end of the month, but not yet for schools. And so this is really happening at the jurisdictional level. And what we’re recommending is that given right now, where we are for cases, that the masks should still stay on.”

“But Eshoo doubted that local jurisdictions are checking the CDC website to decide which guidance they should follow and which they should ignore,” the WND reported.

“I think that’s confusing, and I do think that it puts a dent in CDC credibility,” stated Eshoo. “Credibility is everything in this. Who are you going to pay attention to? So, I mean, it goes to that and I think it’s troubling. They’re making it sound as if, you know, all of these local entities, public health directors, whatever, are not paying attention to the CDC. That’s the way it looks to me. All right? That’s the way it looks. That’s the way it sounds. So I don’t know. What should I tell my constituents? Oh, look at their website. I don’t think that’s a good answer, honestly.”

It’s time to accept the fact this disease is endemic and is not ever going away. With this latest variant seemingly weaker than all the others, it won’t be long before COVID loses its bite. With things going in a good direction, it’s time to lift these restrictions and let people get back to living their normal lives.

Copyright 2022. LibertyBell.com


  1. Yeah, Retardicans, an empty trucker convoy is really going to solve the cargo cults problems. All of the Retardicans are fully supporting it because it is called the Freedom Convoy, even though it is depriving Ottawans of their freedom of mobility and commerce. You would think that after The Patriot Act, The American Freedom Act, MAGA, The Heroes Act, and Stop the Steal, that the stupid f-ing retards would have caught on by now. You can’t fix stupid, as Ron White said.

    Andrea Iravani

  2. Well, it is increasingly looking like World War III is about to begin any day now. I certainly hope that I am wrong, but the world’s aristocrats would rather have World War III than admit that they have been wrong about a large number of extremely important topics. Of course, they could have decided to just all move away to some island together or something, but they refuse to relinquish the power that they have fraudulently usurped.

    The United States will without question be on the losing team, because you can’t fix stupid as comedian Ron White pointed out. You can kill stupid, but you can’t fix it, and it looks like that may end up happening if the United States does not back down against Russia.

    Andrea Iravani

  3. I am damn sick and tired of the emotional immaturity and self-serving, ego-centricty of the the blacks, Jews, and illegal aliens that continue to call for such undeserved entitlements and special privelages that exalt themselves above everyone else without having earned that right in anyway at all, and at the expenses and to the detriments of everyone else, including blacks that have earned those rights legitimately, and legal aliens that have legitimately earned those rights and Jews that are willing to recognize that others suffered equally in the WWII holocaust that were not Jewish, which Jewish Whoopi Goldberg was punished for like a school girl and suspended from work for two weeks, even though she was totally correct.

    I sure as hell won’t be voting for a corrupt Republican over it though, since they are just as corrupt, incompetent, abusive, and tyrannical as the Democrats, which they proved with the faked plane attacks on
    9/11 which resulted in the most anti-American and unconstitutional legslation that illegally enslaves people by spying on them, the false flag wars based on complete lies, the repeated stock market bail outs, the $21 trillion that vanished from the Pentagon in “accounting errors”, and the fake pandemic based on a fake virus based completely on fake RT-PCR test positives, Trump’s Operation Warp Speed, responsible for a yet to be determined quantity of deaths and diseases, the unconstitutional lock downs that violate the fourteenth amendment that prohibits states from violating the constitutional rights of citizens permitted by Trump and all of the other useless, unneeded, unnecsessary, worthless, scumbag Republican tyrants and frauds!

    You have earned, deserve, and are entitled to even less respect that school shooters have earned, deserve, and are entitled to, considering the length of the crime spree, and the quantity affected by it! You are scum and We the People know it! FU all! Robots for 2024! Replace the government with Robots! Sick and tired of the worthless scumbags controlling the country! Robots to repair roads, run public works, apprehend thieves, hackers, peeping toms, vandals, charlatans, rapists, and murderers, and do what ever we want! We don’t have to pay to house, feed, or clothe them, their healthcare or retirement, and we don’t have to worry about them lying, cheating, and stealing! So sick of monsters running the world! Too bad military! We know that you wanted it to be you! Sure as hell don’t want anything worse than what we have! Congress with guns is not the way to go ! I give up on humanity altogether! Until humanity shows me a reason by way of their actions, not to give up on humanity, this is my position and I’m sticking with it! Talk is cheap! Actions matter! 

    Andrea Iravani

  4. End Tyranny! End the Illegal Oraganized Crime Ring and Illegal Enslavement Ring Surveillance Cult!

    Surveillance is Enslavement! 

    Being Free Without Freedom is Slavery! 

    Slavery is illegal in the United States, but that has not stopped the kleptocrats in the surveillance state/gestapo/kleptoquack organized crime ring from illegally enslaving me as a pedagogue.

    The majority of slaves in Greece were female pedagogues that accompanied aristocrtic boys to school and did all of their thinking for them because their own mothers were just too God damned f-ing stupid to and so were the boys.

    The reason for the mental incompetency of Greek aristocrats was because they used lead utensiles, cups, bowls, and pots.

    You are not entitled tp enslave me by spying on me or by brain raping me.

    Get a job at McDonalds or Amazon.

    You are lazy, evil, mentally incompetent, morally depraved, mutant monkeys and it is time for you sick worthless retarded scumbags to accept your rightful places in this world!

    Probably yet just another coincidence that after initially posting this above comment Andrew Napolitano had an article on Global Research regarding surveillance which Napolitano was wrong about again in claiming that the fourth amendment restrictions on spying on people only applies to the federal government. The fourth amendment does not cite the federal government, so there is no reason to assume that it only applies to the federal government. FISA courts are completely illegal because they deny people not only their fourth amendment rights, but also their fifth and sixth amendment rights because they are unable to defend themselves, and because they are being denied a right to a speedy public trial and being able to face their accuser and to be able to have witnesses testify on their behalf. Spying on someone is a form of illegal enslavement, that steals the fruits of the labor of the person being spied on, which is a violation of the thirteenth amendment, and the fourteenth amendment proves that this is not limited to the federal government also,  because it states that no state may deny citizens of that state their consitutional rights. 

    This is just a federallly funded  harm reduction crack pipe dream that it is permissible to have FISA courts or a surveillance state, “so put that in your pipe and smoke it,” as my grandmother use to say.  They are acts of treason. Denying the citizens of the United States their consitutional rights is levying war against We the People.

    There are scores of laws that prevent others from spying on people often known as peeping tom laws enacted by states and the federal government, in addition to illegal eavesdropping laws, and anti-stalking laws often include the use illegal surveillance as a form of stalking. Other laws that support that not violating the fourth amendment rights of another does not only apply to the federal government include laws against theft, which would be unreasonable search and seizure without a warrant. Laws that prohibit assault, battery, and molestation, rape, and murder are also laws that prohibit others from violating people’s fourth amendment right to be secure in their persons.

    Napolitano is a nut.

    You really can’t expect a former judge to know or understand the law though. That would just be expecting way too much from a government employee.

    EO 12333 and all of the other surveillance is illegal. FISA courts are illegal secret organized crime rings. A secret agreement to violate another person’s rights is a secret agreement to commit organized crime.

    You’re scum and we know it! FU and your monkey tribe! Useless, Unworthy, Unnecessary, Uninvited, Unwanted, monkey see monkey do monkey tribe losers!

    A secret police/surveillance state existed in the Byzantine Empire, known as The Curiossi. My guess is that that is where the phrase curiosity killed the cat originated, and the terms cat burglar, and copy cat, because cats are notoriously independently mined creatures and copying behavior is not something that cats are known for. It is something that monkeys and parrots are known for, but not cats. Everybody hates spies. Everbody always has. The Russians had a Death to Spies program. The Brits attempted to revamp ( no pun intended ) the image of spies with James Bond. The United States showed them the real deal. Richard Nixon. Not exactly the image of the s*xy spy that the Brits had hoped to portray, but a real turn off. The Brits were more accurate with Inspector Clousseau as the typical image of a spy. In America they attempted to revamp the image of the spy by calling them intelligence agents, even though they are the biggest f-ing morons in the country, which they never stop proving. So, the spies are not s.xy and intelligent, but creepy and stupid.

    This is ridiculous that you are censoring the word s*xy! I tried posting it with correct spelling and it did not post.

    The Psychos in the surveillance/gestapo/kleptoquack/kleptocrat state have treated me the way that German Nazs treated the Jews. I am not exagerating. They have been torturing and terrorizing me round the clock non-stop for years on end, falsely diagnosing me, and doing sick, evil, sadistic unconsented, uninformed surgery on me, stolen, vandalised, hacked, falsely imprisoned me in my own home, illegally enslaved me, stalked me involving organized community stalking and online organized community stalking, and gas-lit me.

    They are monsters. I guess that those are the only things that they are capable of doing. Of course knowing full well that the entire sureveillance/Gestapo/kleptoquack/kleptocrat state has perpetrated this evil crime spree on me, seeking help from anyone in it would be a completely insane gamble that I absolutely refuse to take, a gamble that would be on par with a Jew asking a German Nazi for help, and though there happened to be a very few rare exceptions, like George Soros, it would be a gamble that the majority of Jews would never consider taking, and that is the way that I view the situation that I am in. Prior to understanding that that was the situation that I was in, I asked for help  and informed many in the crime ring that I mentioned, and all refused to do anything about it, or even acknowledge that it was happening. I really did not know how sick, evil, f-ed up, and corrupt the majority of people are, exactly as it was in Nazi Germany, because it was the majority of people that exalted the Nazis to demigod cult of personality status.  Now I know. They simply are not worth taking the risk over. 

    So, not only did they fail to learn from Nixon’s lessons, they also failed to learn from the German Nazis lessons as well. I guess that they thought that since I am not Jewish, it does not correlate, but it is every bit as sick. Like Whoopi Goldberg said, it was about man’s inhumanity to man. The Nazis brutalized anyone that disagreed with them, and it was not limited to Jews. The Nazis also brutalized communists, Catholics, Poles, Brits, French, and Russians. I think that that is what Whoopi Goldberg was referring to, including all of those victims in the holocaust, and not merely Jews, because to overlook that and to insinuate that the deaths of those individuals were irrelevant and do not count sine they were not Jewish, would be extremely Jewish Supremist and racist, and this is precisly what Former Iranian President Ahmedenijad was referring to.  At least 70 million people died in World War Two. Nagasaki and Hiroshima were everybit as evil as what the Nazis did. The whole thing was evil. That’s what happens when world leaders  put their heads together, apparently. World War II was a holocaust.

    The surveillance/gestapo/kleptoquack/kleptocrat state has the same mentality. You are either with them, or you are their enemy.

    That is why everybody voted to replace the governments with robots, because the people in the government are just sick, evil, creepy, corrupt, lazy, incompetent, greedy, destructive, power hungry, scumbags that have destroyed the country and are just too God damned f-ing expensive.

    There are now so many laws that the legal community no longer knows how many laws there are. The overwhelming majority of these laws exist for one reason alone, to provide an excuse for the existence of a parasitic government entity that provides no useful service at all for tax payers.

    Examples of this are the TSA, the DMV, and emissions testing which are minimally time consuming and costly nuisances and grotesque molesting ivasions in extreme instances with the TSA which I have repeatedly been subjected to.

    Those industries exist strictly to serve themselves and serve the public in absolutely no way at all. Those are just a couple examples of government gone hog wild.

    Of course it would be entirely possible for car manufacturers to manufacture cars with unique license numbers and remove the parasitically destructive burdens for their customers. 

    No planes ever struck the World Trade Towers or Pentagon on 9/11. Continuing the lie that Islamic terrorists hijacked planes and struck the towers and Pentagon is quintessential to the 60,000 parasites at the TSA. 

    The government is now too large to support.

    It did not use to be this way.

    Government employees now indignantly and self-righteously expect to be able to have a higher standard of living than median population, which is mathematically impossible, and is why our economy and country has totally imploded onto itself. They also demand that they are not held accountable in any way at all for their actions and inactions. They are monstrous, self-serving, self-entitled tyrants that have parasitically destroyed America and Americans. They are not public sevants, to the contrary, they demand that the public serves them as they continue their reign of tyranny, terror, extortion, murder,
    gas-lighting, and psy-opping on the population at large.

    Andrea Iravani

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