It Begins: Major U.S. Newspaper Insists On Deploying National Guard To Keep Unvaxxed At Home

(Liberty Bell) – The COVID vaccines have been a total and complete failure. They don’t work. To be clear, they do not stop the transmission of COVID; the vaccinated and boosted are still contracting the virus. The vaccines do not stop hospitalizations or death from COVID in populations that are at high-risk, you know, since they don’t work to begin with.

What’s more is that since the vaccines have hit the scene, death rates across the board have skyrocketed, insurance companies are reporting 40%-200% increases in deaths from causes unrelated to COVID.

In other words, the vaccines are killing far more people than they’re saving because they don’t work and they’re dangerous.

These facts, however, aren’t stopping insane radical leftists from insisting that everyone in America needs to get vaccinated and boosted. Some on the left are even calling for the National Guard to be activated for the sole purpose of keeping unvaccinated Americans from leaving their homes.

You cannot make this stuff up.

The editorial board of the Salt Lake Tribune is calling for the government to use the National Guard to keep Americans who have not subjected themselves to the experimental COVID shots at home.

The editorial lamented the newspaper board’s frustration that the government has not done MORE to force Americans into submission where the vaccines are concerned.

Clearly, these radicals want more tyranny and more totalitarianism. This is totally sick.

“We might have headed off omicron with a herd immunity-level of vaccinations, but that would have required a vaccination mandate, which our leaders refused,” the board complained. “Instead, we get, ‘No one could have seen this coming.’ That is patently untrue. They were told what to do, and they refused.”

The board continued, “Were Utah a truly civilized place, the governor’s next move would be to find a way to mandate the kind of mass vaccination campaign we should have launched a year ago, going as far as to deploy the National Guard to ensure that people without proof of vaccination would not be allowed, well, anywhere.”

The unhinged commentary warned that Utah is “waving the white flag of surrender in the battle against the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“Gov. Spencer Cox and the new state epidemiologist, Dr. Leisha Nolen, let it officially be known Friday morning that there are so few tests available in the state, and so many people who reasonably fear that they have contracted the coronavirus, that anyone who is feeling the kind of symptoms associated with the disease should just assume they are infected and stay home,” the commentary said.

It has always been common since to stay home when you’re not feeling well but apparently, now, it’s only when you have COVID. Then again, every symptom of any illness now points to “COVID.” Everything is COVID.

Maybe if people stopped running out to get tested at the first sign of the sniffles, there wouldn’t be so much COVID. Especially considering the PCR tests have already been proven to be totally unreliable.

Look, if you’re sick, stay home and rest until you feel better. If you’re healthy, you can handle being sick. It’s not going to kill you. Stop believing the lies and STOP GETTING TESTED. You’re only perpetuating the so-called pandemic with every single test that is taken. Stop believing the lie that your illness needs a name.

I digress.

The commentary went on to say, “The elderly and those with underlying conditions are still encouraged to test. But the hope that the state’s schools could remain open with a test-to-stay policy (show a negative test and go to class, show positive or refuse and go home) can only be dashed when there are no tests to be had.”

It continued, “For more than two years now, officials at all levels and in all branches of our government have missed chance after chance to get a handle on this rapidly spreading and rapidly evolving virus. Rather than call for the kind of patriotic coming together that Americans responded to after Pearl Harbor and 9/11, we were assured that it was not a real problem, that it would ‘magically disappear,’ even that it was all a hoax, a plot to extend the power of the federal government and/or further enrich Big Pharma.

“Government officials, mostly but not exclusively Republicans, were apparently determined not to be caught governing in the face of this challenge. Any move or recommendation to mask up or, when safe and effective vaccines became available, to make vaccination a requirement of admission to public places and society in general was shouted down as an unwarranted imposition on individual freedoms.”

“Cox and others have correctly said that the best tool for fighting the spread of the virus, individually and collectively, was to get two — then three — doses of the vaccine. That is absolutely the correct advice,” the newspaper promoted.

My goodness, you would think the Black Plague had made a resurgence in the US and was killing two-thirds of the population.

Rest assured, folks, the sky is not falling. COVID is not the unbridled killing machine these lunatics have made it out to be.

The editorial board at the Salt Lake Tribune have clearly bought into the fear-mongering and propaganda. They’re terrified. They’re enraged that the federal government has not done more to force the shots on Americans.

“President Joe Biden tried to pull a couple of useful levers by ordering vaccine mandates for health care workers and vaccine-or-test rules for workplaces of more than 100 employees. The U.S. Supreme Court this week upheld the former while quashing the latter, foolishly holding that a communicable disease is not a workplace hazard,” it said.

A “communicable disease” that everyone with eyes and common sense can see is no more dangerous or deadly than the seasonal flu. Remember the flu?

Naturally, Americans didn’t take too kindly to the board’s absurdly tyrannical and totalitarian demands. A posting on a political blog slammed the board, saying, “While we view the scenes from Australia, Austria, and Germany with horror, the American radical left is jealous we don’t have those policies here. Although vaccinated individuals can also contract, transmit, and die of COVID complications, the wannabe authoritarians only want to punish non-compliant Americans,” it said.

“If you critically think and don’t follow the herd, they demonize you for not ‘following the science’ or ‘listening to the experts.’ They want to control every aspect of your life and lock you inside your home if given the authority.”

The post continued, “It’s scary that these anti-science, totalitarian-minded writers think they’re the good guys in the imaginary battle against COVID-19.”

Scary indeed.

The blog further went on saying, “These are people that would send you away to COVID-19 concentration camps if given the chance.”

It’s truly starting to feel like the radical left is desperate to find any reason they can to start sending fellow Americans to the box cars.

Until we wake up and come to terms with the fact that another American Revolution is needed to fight this current evil, the radicals are going to win.

Copyright 2022.


  1. Mutant Monkey Peter Pans, and Mutant Monkey Pollyannas Destroyed the World

    This is not the Time for Being Pollyannish. There is not Anything to be Pollyannish About.

    Not being Pollyannish often labels women as mentally ill or difficult, because the men that are labeling them suffer from narcissism, and Peter Pan Syndrome and are too immature to face reality and would rather pretend that it does not exist because it is more satisfying to them than facing reality. It is more convenient for them to just send the women that are not Pollyanna to a shrink that will enable the Peter Pans so that they do not have to experience uncomfortable emotions rather than facing reality. In fact, if it wasn’t for shrinks, social workers, and psychiatrists, we probably would not even have most of the Peter Pans that we have.

    America has some extremely severe problems on its hands. It is infested with spies that are thieves, hackers, vandals, stalkers, and peeping Tom’s. If you want to claim that I am a loan wolf conspiracy theorist since I know that, because I have been their victim, then you will just sound like you are crazy or full of shit, in light of the overwhelming body of evidence, that being that America is suffering from systemic corruption, systemic crime, and systemic surveillance. It is not coincidental. It was the plan.

    Another extremely severe problem that America has on its hands is that it also is infested with kleptoquacks that feel no remorse or moral objection to falsely diagnosing people and even murdering them for their own financial gain, and if you call me a whacky loan wolf conspiracy theorist for knowing that since I have been their victim, you will just sound like you are crazy or full of shit in light of the overwhelming body of evidence, with over a century of charlatan practices including forced sterilizations and hospitalizations, Eugenics, the Bad Blood Experiment referred to as the Tuskegee Experiment since the fake pandemic, which was never called the Tuskegee Experiment, ( for the reason that it occured across multiple states, and if people think that it only happened in Tuskegee, they will not think that it was the mutant monkeys that deliberately infected both whites and blacks with syphilis because the mtant monkeys thought tat it affected blaxks physically and whites mentally, and they deliberately created a syphilis epidemic across the entire country and told the victims that they had bad blood, which is why it had always bern referred to as the bad blood experiment untill recently ) since the start of the fake pandemic, the Milgram Experiment, radiation experiments on pregnant women and new borns, MKULTRA, the Human Brain Initiative, the opioid epidemic, the fake pandemic based on fake blood tests, and used for mandating fake vaccines that have harmed and killed more people than they have helped. 

    Another severe problem that America is suffering from is systemic dereliction of duty and systemic gross negligence, and if you will say that I am loan wolf conspiracy theorist for knowing that, since I have been a victim of it, you will just sound like you are completely crazy, or completely full of shit, in light of the overwhelming body of evidence including the faked plane attacks on the World Trade Towers and Pentagon, the seven false flag wars that followed suit, the repeated stock market bubbles and bail outs, the $21 trillion in Pentagon accounting errors between the years of 1998 and 2016, the opioid epidemic, and the fake pandemic based on fake blood tests used to mandate the total destruction of America and fake vaccines.

    Unfortunately, these problems are not unique to America. They are international, and I happen to know that, because I have been their victim.

    It is not only A Small World Afterall, it is tragically also a Cruel World Afterall, since the world is too small that to accomodate all of us peacefully and prosperously. 

    Life in America for those like myself that are not in the surveillance state and healthcare sector, is now synonymous with trying to survive inside a barrel of leeches, and for those in the surveillance state and health care sectors life is evidently synonymous with being brainless leeches. I have seen leeches in my yard, and they didn’t appear to be enjoying themselves either, they just slug along like leeches do being driven by a brain incapable of any higher functioning.

    Obviously, the psychos in the surveillance state have displayed the most outrageous Pollyannishness and Peter Pannishness possible, being so insanely optimistic that they could get away with such sick, evil, sadistic, down right satanic crimes against humanity, despite the vast enormity of the surveillance state and the millions, if not billions of people that occupy it. It is a well known fact that not everyone in the surveillance state thinks alike, in fact, they are literally killing each other in broad daylight everyday right before our eyes. There will undoubtedly be a multi- decades long cycle of retribution among various individuals, groups, and countries. Obviously, if so many individuals are willing to commit such a sick evil sadistic crime spree against me for my property, whoever steals it will undoubtedly face the same type of behavior from the enormous competetion in the surveillance state and those individuals will steal it from them. They have turned the country into a lawless banana bureaucracy. They are not human beings. They are satanic beasts. At what point did they make the conscious decisions to sell their souls to the devil? Or was it not a conscious decision, but just something that slowly happened over time in order to feed their own self-serving, narcissistic, megalomaniacal, mostrous egoes?

    Please, just start a voluntary euthanasia program now. Who in the hell do you think you are?! What in the hell is the matter with you?! You and your lifestyles are sick and offensive as hell!  I am sick and tired of watching this multi-layered Orwellian horror story unfold before my eyes, and I am sick and tired of being so many people’s victim of organized crime. It is not ok. I am not community property, neither is my brain, neither is my life, neither is my family, and neither is my property. I am sick of the parasitic surveillance state and leeching kleptoquacks that destroyed my life, my health, my brain, members of my family, my dog, and my property. I would rather be euthanized than have anything to do with you. You disgust me. You are the most anti-American people on earth. You are also the largest national security threat to America. You are also the largest terrorist network in America. The evidence is overwhelming. Read the constitution.

    The researches that are part of the American Brain Coalition must be tried for crimes against humanity, doing illegal brain surgery on people and illegal research on people without informing people that the surgery or research  is being done on them, and obviously without the consent of people for research and surgery that was done on them. 

    I am convinced that this was done to me. Of course nobody would ever consent to such research. I never did. Nobody admits that they have done it to me. RFIDs were illegally implanted in my ears and nose while unconscious at Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee Hospital March 27,2014. The monsters involved in this should be sentenced to death. They have surpassed Josef Mengele. They blast me with short wave radio signals and spy on me 24/7, and use mind reading technology on me that occasionally repeats something that I just though with the short wave radio signals. The shortwave radio signals repeat nonsenical meaningless babbling chants, threats, intimidation, harrassment, and demands, none of which I would ever comply with. They are the scum of the eath. They are pseudo-scientists. They are monsters. They deserve the death sentence. It has resulted in Havana Syndrome, constant insomnia, a sudden inability to be able to cry immediately after the illegal unconsented surgery, and a sudden need for bifocals when I had 20/20 vision, and sudden rapid pre-mature aging.  I refuse to see anyone in the healthcare or mental heathcare fields because of that and the multi decades long crime spree that they have perpetrated against me, members of my family, and my property. The fake pandemic has proven that everyone in healthcare and mental healthcare is a sick, sadistic, evil monster. I hope that everyone of them is sentenced to death. They have earned it. Ozaukee Health and Human Services is a terrorist network and gas-lighting organized crime grand larsony ring. 
    Laurie Rathke MSW is a psychopath that deserves to be sentenced to death by a court of law for sadistic crimes against humanity. So is some psychopath named Jake at Ozaukee Councelling Center that showed up with the police when I called the police, who told me that I was just imagining that all of these things that were happening to me and that they are all in my head, since he is a guilty criminal that is part of the organized crime ring that has committed these sick, evil, sadistic crimes against me, which is par for the course for serial criminal psychopaths to say things like that, as everyone is well aware of.


    The New World’s Old World Problems Persist! Don’t Be a Dope! Tell the Europeans Nope!

    The United States, and Canada, must leave NATO immediately! The United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand have an extremely destructive problem on their hands, and so does the rest of the world. It is the European problem. It is the elephant in the room that everyone pretends does not exist. It is the destructive parasite that has ravaged the world through raping, pilaging, and enslaving, because the European problem is that it is vastly overpopulated and is incapable of sustaining itself without parasitic behavior. 

    The European problem is what everyone in the New World sought to escape, barring white and black slaves sent to the New World against their will. 

    It is time to completely and immediately sever all ties with the European problem, whose exitences rely on destructive parasitism in finance, deceptive manipulation, war, and enslavement.

    Let the Europeans fight their own battles and solve their own problems. 

    Being destructive manipulative parasites just doesn’t cut it. They are unwilling to admit their treachery, and insist on trying to maintain the upperhand, when they are in no position to be setting the terms or conditions with foregin policy regarding Russia. Let them humbly submit themselves to Russia and beg for what they need from Russia.

    America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are geographically removed from Europe. Americans, Canadians, Australians, and New Zealanders should not encourage their destructive parasitism. We should not encourage irresponsible behavior in Asia either, including the Belt Road Initiative, which will undermine sovereign governments and result in the largest population explosion and exploitation of resources in modern history, which will prove to be totally devasting to the entire planet because of the timing of it, with the massive over-population problem. 

    America, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand must totally reject the junk science based Green New Deal which is just more destructive parasitism for the parasitic Europeans and Chinese that are ridiculously claiming to be a developing country, and even more ridiculously claiming that the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand are developed countries while they are among the newest nation states in history, and China is among the oldest nation states in history, in addition to the others that have ridiculously considered themselves to be developing nations, including all of Africa, all of Latin America, all of India, most of the far east minus Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, and South Korea. 

    It is just a scam that will force our reliance on the Old World that we all sought to escape barring white and black slaves sent against their will – Europe, Asia,  Latin America, and Africa. Those regions are already incapable of sustaining themselves as a direct result of massive overpopulation problems as well. 

    The Europeans decided that they would be the financiers and governing bodies of the entire world. What in the hell is in that for me?! Hell! Obviously! You have done enough harm. I refuse to have anything to do with you and your foolish, ill contrived fraudulent schemes. Better dead than bled! Leeches!

    Population Densities Sourced from WorldOMeters

    Monaco 68,212 people per square mile
    Malta 3,574 people per square mile
    Netherlands 1,313 people per square mi.
    Belgium 991 people per square mile
    UnitedKingdom 727 people p.s.mile
    Luxembourg 626 people per square mile
    Germany 623 people per square mile
    Switzerland 567 people per square mile
    Italy 523 people per square mile
    Czechia 359 people per square mile
    Denmark 354 people per square mile
    Poland 320 people per square mile
    Moldova 318 people per square mile
    France 309 people per square mile
    Slovakia 294 people per square mile
    Slovenia 287 people per square mile
    Austria 283 people per square mile
    Hungary 276 people per square mile
    Serbia 259 people per square mile
    Spain 243 people per square mile
    Portugal 289 people per square mile
    Romania 216 people per square mile
    N. Macedonia 214 people p.s.m.
    Greece 209 people per square mile
    Ukraine 196 people per square mile
    Ireland 186 people per square mile
    Bosnia Herzogevina 168 people psm
    Bulgaria 166 people per square mile
    Belarus 121 people per square mile
    Montenegro 121 people per square mile
    Lithuania 112 people per square mile
    Estonia 81 people per square mile
    Latvia 79 people per square mile
    Finland 47 people per square mile
    Norway 38 people per square mile
    Iceland 9 people per square mile
    Greenland less than 1/3 of a person p.s.mi.

    Hong Kong 18,492 people per square mi.
    Bangaladesh 3,277 people per square mi
    South Korea 1,365 people per square mi.
    India 1,202 people per square mile
    Philipines 952 people per square mile
    Japan 899 people per square mile
    Sri Lanka 884 people per square mile
    Vietnam 813 people per square mile
    Guam 809 people per square mile
    Taiwan 673 people per square mile
    North Korea 554 people per square mile
    Nepal 526 people per square mile
    China 397 people per square mile
    Indonesia 391 people per square mile
    Thailand 354 people per square mile
    Malaysia 252 people per square mile
    Cambodia 245 people per square mile
    Timor Leste 235 people per square mi.
    Myanamar 216 people per square mile
    Laos 82 people per square mile
    Bhutan 52 people per square mile
    Papua New Guinea 51 people p.s. mi.
    Mongolia 5 people per square mile

    Bahrain 5,799 people per square mile
    Palsetine 2,195 people per square mile
    Lebanon 1,728 people per square mile
    Israel 1,036 people per square mile
    Pakistan 742 people per square mile
    Qatar 643 people per square mile
    Azarbaijan 318 people per square mile
    U.A.E. 306 people per square mile
    Jordan 295 people per square mile
    Turkey 294 people per square mile
    Syria 247 people per square mile
    Armenia 243 people per sqyae mile
    Iraq 240 people per square mile
    Uzbekistan 204 people per square mi.
    Tajikistan 176 people per square mi.
    Afghanistan 154 people per square mi.
    Georgia 149 people per squar mile
    Yemen 146 people per square mile
    Iran 134 people per square mile
    Kyrgyzstan 88 people per square mi.
    Oman 43 people per square mile
    Saudi Arabia 42 people per square mile
    Turkmenistan 33 people per square mi
    Kazakhstan 18 people per square mi.

    Rwanda 1,360 people per square mile
    Gambia 618 people per square mile
    Uganda 593 people per square mile
    Nigeria 586 people per square mile
    Malawi 528 people per square mile
    Togo 394 people per square mile
    Ghana 354 people per square mile
    Ethiopia 298 people per square mile
    Sierra Leone 286 people per square mile
    Egypt 266 people per square mile
    Senegal 225 people per square mile
    Cote d’Ivoire 215 people per square mi.
    Morocco 214 people per square mile
    Burkina Faso 198 people per square mi.
    Tunisia 197 people per square mile
    Lesotho 183 people per square mile
    Guinea-Bassau 181 people per sq. mi.
    Tanzania 175 people per square mile
    Swaziland 173 people per square mile
    Cameroon 145 people per square mile
    Liberia 136 people per square mile
    South Africa 127 people per square mi.
    Guinea 130 people per square mile
    Madagascar 123 people per square mile
    Djbouti 110 people per square mile
    Benin 108 people per square mile
    Mozambique 103 people per square mi.
    DR Congo 102 people per square mile
    Zimbabwe 100 people per square mi.
    Kenya 92 people per square mile
    Eritrea 91 people per square mile
    Angola 68 people per square mile
    Somalia 64 people per square mile
    Sudan 64 people per square mile
    Zambia 64 people per square mile
    Niger 49 people per square mile
    Algeria 48 people per square mile
    South Sudan 47 people per square mile
    Mali 43 people per square mile
    Congo 42 people per square mile
    Chad 34 people per square mile
    Gabon 22 people per square mile
    CentralAfricanRepublic 20 people p.s.mi.
    Mauritania 12 people per square mile
    Botswana 11 people per square mile
    Libya 10 people per square mile
    Nambia 8 people per square mile

    El Salvador 833 people per square mile
    Guatemala 433 people per square mile
    Costa Rica 258 people per square mile
    Honduras 229 people per square mile
    Panama 150 people per square mile
    Nicaragua 143 people per square mile
    Mexico 172 people per square mile
    Belize 45 people per square mile

    Haiti 1,072 people per square mile
    Puerto Rico 857 people per square mile
    Jamaica 708 people per square mile
    Cuba 276 people per square mile
    Dominican Republic 581 people p.s.mi.

    Equador 181 people per square mile
    Colombia 119 people per square mile
    Venezuela 83 people per square mile
    Chile 67 people per square mile
    Peru 67 people per square mile
    Brazil 66 people per square mile
    Uraguay 51 people per square mile
    Paraguay 46 people per square mile
    Argentina 43 people per square mile
    Bolivia 28 people per square mile
    Guyana 10 people per square mile
    Suriname 10 people per square mile
    French Guiana 9 people per square mile

    As you can see, the foreign and hostile invasion by illegal immigrants south of the border can very easily be accomodated by other countries in South America. It is a coup and a foreign invasion that is destroying America by the sheer volume of it alone. We must protect our land from over use, pollution, and desertification. Adding more people that have illegally invaded it will only make it worse for everyone. There is absolutely no excuse for it. If their own hispanic people are unwilling to help them, we should not either. It is not as though the United States is the only option that they have. They have numerous options that share many aspects of their culture and language. Now we have had to accomodate this  coup by Latin Americans on the English language as well. 

    The world is taking advantage of American’s naivete’ and charitable nature, to our own detriments. 

    Russia 23 people per square mile

    United States 94 people per square mile
    New Zealand 47 people per square mile
    Canada 11 people per square mile
    Australia 9 people per square mile

    I am warning you! The Europeans are Trouble with a capital T! Stay away from them or be destroyed by them! 

    The United States must stop the insane influx of illegal immigration for our own survival! They are already killing off our relatives! Why in the hell should I place the lives of illegal immigrant criminals, who are criminals since they are here illegally over the lives of my own relatives?! They have already killed off three of my family members! Why? To make room for people whose first action in this country is a crime and a total rebuke and rejection of our laws?! Hell no! They must go! Get back to where you once belonged! This is not your land! This is my land!

    Michel Chosdudovsky has a credibility problem. He’s a Red Coat. You can tell how vital war and globalism are to the Red Coats by the Steele Dossier. Talk about election interference by a foreign country! All European leaders detested Trump because he was opposed to globalism and war. We know that is not because he was impolite or always putting his foot in his mouth, because they loved the Clintons and Biden, three claudes that are always speaking inarticulately and prone to gaffs. The Europeans are literally incapable of surviving without war and globalism and have insisted since WW1, actually even before that with the Opium Wars, that Americans bite the bullet for them. It never changes. It’s the same old story every damned time. 

    The sick, evil, corrupt, self-serving, narcissistic, incompetent fascist governments better stop trying to control everything, because they obviously really suck at making decisions! 

    Don’t feed the animals. End the government funding of health research.

    It’s all so bogus. They claim that they want to depopulate the planet. Why are they spending so much money on health research? What in the hell is the point if it? I’ll tell you what the point of it is, to enrich researchers. Nothing more. It is time to compensate the researchers victims instead, which I happen to be one of! Their research does not even use the scientific method. It is total junk science and data manipuation. It is not research. It is crimes against humanity and fraud!

    Obviously, the only things that the scumbags are capable of doing is torturing, terrorizing, vandalizing, stealing, being peeping toms, medical fraud, and plagarizing. They are useless evil, destructive liabilities. Since the government decided to kill people, they should kill the monsters that are and have been doing these things to me! 

    Prosecute the sick, evil, mutant monkeys that are doing research for the American Brain Coalition and the American Brain Initiative! I am sure that human brains are quite fascinating to mutant monkeys like you that act exactly like the apes on Planet of the Apes! You belong in the zoo behind bars for everyone to see the sick, evil, retarded monkeys that are more stupid than monkeys, because even monkeys aren’t stupid enough to do the sick, evil, retarded things that you do, including the fake pandemic and all of the other things that I have mentioned that the mutant monkey kleptoquacks have done for over a century! 

    Melanie Walker was a neurosurgeon that was sent to college by Jeffrey Epstein and worked for Bill Gates at Microsoft and later worked for the World Bank, because the World Bank and the W.H.O. are involved in the Brain Initaive Project occuring in many countries around the world under various names, in America it is the American Brain Initiative. It is a collaborative effort by the mutant monkeys that do not have human brains.

    The short wave signals being blasted at me  are coming from the police speakers used for emergency warnings, including tornadoes.

    Is it fun for you retarded mutant monkeys to terrorize and torture me? Are you sick, evi, retarded mutant monkeys having a good time committing an over seven year long sadistic organized crime spree on me? Does that make you sick, evil, sadistic, retarded mutant monkeys feel good, and important and powerful to steal and vandalize my property and violate my constitutional rights? Do you sick, evil, sadistic, retarded, mutant monkeys know what the constitution is? 

    Since Grafton Village president James Brunquell is a manager at Froedert Hospital, the police protect the gas-lighting, serial criminal psychopathic retarded mutant monkeys that work in America’s fake healthcare system, and you know with 100% certainty that is a fake healthcare and gas-lighting organized crime ring, because of all of the things that I have mentioned. They are just retarded mutant monkeys. It is literally all that they are capable of, and there is an infestation of them in Grafton! We have Ayrora Hospital, two Aurora Clinics, a Columbia St. Mary’s Clinic, and a slew of private practices, but only 11,000 residents, and there is also a Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee Hospital about five miles south of Grafton and two Aurora Clinics in the same town of Mequon. So many fake healthcare workers, so few unhealthy people. A fake pandemic was needed to support them all. Hope you weren’t too inconvenienced by the fake pandemic used to financially support the  retarded mutant monkey fake healthcare workers.  It was either going to be you or themselves, and they agreed to sacrifice all of you for their own parasitic lifestyles. Now, finally after over two years into this fake pandemic, the fake healthcare workers are starting to voice their oposition when being asked to get a taste of their own medicine that they all forced on everyone else, or were silently complicit accomplices for their own self exaltations. 

    You are over two years late on your moral outrage, which did not begin until you were expected to be treated as you were treating everyone in the entire country! You look like sick, evil scumbags because you are!

    Andrea Iravani

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