Hillary Clinton Will Hate What Was Found In Jeffrey Epstein’s Mansion

(Liberty Bell) – Hillary Clinton seems to be gearing up for yet another failed run at the US presidency. She’s been appearing in more and more interviews and has suddenly become a lot more visible.

Why on earth would that be? The only reasonable explanation is that Clinton is just a glutton for punishment and is eager to be rejected by Americans for a third time.

Her apparent self-loathing may explain why she has stood by her sex-obsessed husband, Bill Clinton, after all these years and all the dirty little secrets that have been exposed.

Not only was Hillary publicly humiliated while her husband was the president when he was caught having an affair with a White House intern, the infamous Monica Lewinsky, but after Jeffrey Epstein was arrested it became clear to the world, Clinton was one of his most frequent high-profile associates.

As she gears up to possibly run for president again, more information tying Bill Clinton to Epstein has emerged thanks to the Ghislaine Maxwell trial.

According to a report by the Daily Mail last Thursday, Epstein visited Bill Clinton in the White House a startling 17 times, bringing with him a total of 8 different women.

As you most certainly recall, Epstein committed “suicide” in August of 2019 while sitting in prison awaiting his trial after being arrested for allegedly trafficking and sexually abusing girls.

The Clintons likely felt assured that Bill’s secrets died with Epstein. However, that has been far from the case.

Epstein had many connections with the world’s rich and famous, as revealed by his little black book which contained their contact information.

In the Daily Mail’s story, they reported that Epstein visited the Clinton White House numerous times and evidence of these visits was hanging on the walls of Epstein’s mansion in Palm Beach, Florida.

Epstein must have been pretty proud of his relationship with Bill Clinton to have pictures of his visits to the White House hanging on his walls.

Just when Hillary thought the whole Epstein saga was behind her, this new report comes out proving that Bill was up to more than just private meetings with Lewinsky while he was president.

Hillary is probably wishing she would have been able to “suicide” Maxwell. Nonetheless, things just never seem to go right for Hillary. It’s really quite sad but also karma always catches up.

It’s hard to believe she is still desperately clamoring for the love and admiration of the American people, who so clearly despise her. Another presidential campaign will only bring more of her and her husband’s dirty little secrets to light.

Soon there won’t be anymore darkness for her and Bill to hide in.

Copyright 2022. LibertyBell.com


  1. I hope that you like the Chinese, because it is looking more and more likely that they will take over America to help Russia when the retards send the U.S. military to attack Russia!

    Now would be a great time to learn Mandarin!

    Andrea Iravani

  2. The scumbags in governents, the surveillance state, and medical mafia are on the loose, destroying the country and my personal property, replacing appliances, counters, even toilets with shrunken variations, and furniture, and other things with shrunken, or inferior mutated variations of what I had, in order to try to convince me that i need the creepy retarded scumbags in the surveillance state to invade my life, or the gas lighters in the medical mafia to invade my life. All that they have convinced me of is to stay the hell away from them, and that the world would be better off without them! I am entitled to all of my property AND all of my constitutional rights! Why in the HELL would I want sick, retarded, creepy scumbags in the surveillance state or gas lighters in the medical mafia in my life? The surveillance cameras can be hacked, broken, stolen, make deep fake videos, or have lights shone on them to white out imagaes, or maybe someone might wear a disguise! Sorry, but you are a bunch of numb skulls!  You have the right  to remain silent, and go to federal pennitentiaries! Those are your only remaining rights! 

    Shit for brains retards! If you have to perpetrate a crime spree against someone in order to convince them that they need you, they obviously do not need you, and nobody else does either! There is a legal term for it, known as extortion, which is a class one felony and violation of RICO laws! 

    Do everyone a favor and kill yourselves! Seriously! Obviously, no point in having local, or county governmemts or police either, since they refuse to do anything about it and tell me that I am imagining that it is happening! The gas lighters and destructive, parasitic, kleptocratic  on the public tax dole destroying and stealing my property, the neighborhood, the village of Grafton, Wisconsin and Ozaukee County, Wisconsin!

    This is just a shithole neighborhood, in a shithole village, in a shithole county, in a shithole state, in shithole country! These things would not be happening if that was not all true! It’s not me its you! The fake pandemic is the most recent national crime spree that you have all perpetrated which proves it! It is just one evil crime spree after another with you scumbags in governments, the surveillance state, and the medical mafia! You suck! 

    Andrea Iravani

  3. The scumbags in governents, the surveillance state, and medical mafia are on the loose, destroying the country and my personal property, replacing appliances, counters, even toilets with shrunken variations, and furniture, and other things with shrunken, or inferior mutated variations of what I had, in order to try to convince me that i need the creepy retarded scumbags in the surveillance state to invade my life, or the gas lighters in the medical mafia to invade my life. All that they have convinced me of is to stay the hell away from them, and that the world would be better off without them! I am entitled to all of my property AND all of my constitutional rights! Why in the HELL would I want sick, retarded, creepy scumbags in the surveillance state in my life?! The surveillance cameras can be hacked, broken, stolen, make deep fake videos, or have lights shone on them to white out imagaes, or maybe someone might wear a disguise! Sorry, but you are a bunch of numb skulls!  You have the right  to remain silent, and go to federal pennitentiaries! Those are your only remaining rights! 

    Shit for brains retards! If you have to perpetrate a crime spree against someone in order to convince them that they need you, they obviously do not need you, and nobody else does either! There is a legal term for it, known as extortion, which is a class one felony and violation of RICO laws! 

    Do everyone a favor and kill yourselves! Seriously! Obviously, no point in having local, or county governmemts or police either, since they refuse to do anything about it! Just gas lighters and destructive, parasitic, kleptocratic  on the public tax dole destroying and stealing my property, the neighborhood, the village of Grafton, Wisconsin and Ozaukee County, Wisconsin!

    Andrea Iravani

  4. It is totally humiliating watching Antony Blinken trolling Putin with the UK over a wide array of issues like rogue dictators. It is similar behavior to Kim Jong Ill’s.

    The most recent with the US and UK insisting that Ukrainian presidential candidtate Yeven Murayev is a Putin puppet installation attempt without any evidence. Of course, if there is any evidence, it would most likely be extremely embarrassing to mention it by the US or the UK, likely that Russia may have donated money to his candidacy when the Russian government was Hillary Clinton’s largest donor for the presidential election campaign for 2016, and then of coure there is the Steele Dossier which is extremely embarrassing and humiliating for the Dems, the GOP, and the UK as far as election intereference by a belligerent foreign hostile actor to democracy and the US.

    Yeven Murayev is a former law maker from the Ukraine that believes that the Maidan event was a western coup.

    Maybe Murayev just likes and trusts the Russian government more than the US, Biden, UK, and the rest of NATO. As an American citizen, I know that I do after their reign of tyranny that did start prior to Biden being elected but has continued and was also occurring through Trump and Obama.

    Maybe Biden is a puppet of the Ukrainian Neo-Nazis including Volodomyr Zelensky.

    The United States government, state and local governmemts, the healthcare sector, the technology sector, the surveillance state, Wall Street and the financial sector have consistently double crossed Patriotic, law abiding American citizens, including me and members of my family. They have committed outright crimes against humanity against me, members of my family, my dog, my property, and my country.  They are dirty rotten double crossers! 

    Don’t trust them if your life depends on it! If you do, it will be the biggest mistake that you ever make!

    Waiting to die,
    Andrea Iravani

  5. It’s Different This Time

    America has survived many economic disasters in the past, but it’s different this time because of the national debt to GDP ratio. The government will not be able to afford to borrow money in any way that is not totally destructive economically because of interest payments on the national debt.

    I have no idea what will be the end result of any of this, but I am certainly not looking forward to waking up each day.

    The future has never been so bleak for America. Add to that the systemic corruption, aging infrastructure, and massive overpopulation world wide with shortages of natural resources, particularly fresh water, necessary for life, and the impending nuclear disasters from peak nuclear waste.

    Russia has about a 21% national debt to GDP ratio. 

    Russia owns the future.

    Biden outlawed buying Russian sovereign debt this past week.

    If the government does not get on the right side of history, and stop making false allegations about Russia, and does not stop instigating and provoking war with Russia, all Americans will have hell to pay for it.

    Andrea Iravani

  6. It’s Different This Time

    America has survived many economic disasters in the past, but it’s different this time because of the national debt to GDP ratio. The government will not be able to afford to borrow money in any way that is not totally destructive economically because of interest payments on the national debt.

    I have no idea what will be the end result of any of this, but I am certainly not looking forward to waking up each day.

    The future has never been so bleak for America. Add to that the systemic corruption, aging infrastructure, and massive overpopulation world wide with shortages of natural resources, particularly fresh water, necessary for life, and the impending nuclear disasters from peak nuclear waste.

    Andrea Iravani

  7. So, tell me, InfraTards, why are you spying on me and everyone else? Are you paranoid schizophrenics, or do you have Munchausen’s Syndrome and just want to let me know that you are spying on me by constantly repeating things that I have said, or done, or written about in emails not addressed to you, so that when I tell people you hope that they will just think I’m crazy,  or are you sick retards, or are you sick perverted feaks, or are you serial criminal psychopathic thieves, or did the dogs eat your brains, or is it a combination of those?! 


    What does someone have to do in order to free themselves from the InfraTard scumbags ?! Go into solitary confinement or die? What happens when the threats made by the InfraTards of solitary confinement in a prison or death are more appealing options than living in a world with the InfraTard destructive parasites roaming around freely, murdering, terrorizing, vandalizing, censoring, stealing, and destroying everyone and everything good and just? At that point they have lost all power over everyone.

    InfraTard scumbags threw a hissy fit because I wanted to outlaw 501c3s and fake charitible trusts that have destroyed the country and are fraud schemes. They have been attacking me like a school of piranhas. I am right they are wrong. The evidence proves it. Their opinions are just not worth enough to be considered charitible acts. They donate money to themselves and their relatives and pollute the airwaves and internet with their worthless, hackneyed opinions amd hair brained schemes like the fake pandemic and B.L.M. looting, arson, and vandalism financed by these behemoth fraudulent charitible trust foundations like The Ford Foundation, while denying pensions to their employees that they promised, or forcing their pension plans onto tax payers like US Steel did, which was owned by J.P. Morgan.

    Most people in congress have also started these fraudulent tax dodging schemes, while simultaneously raising our taxes and estate taxes,  and so have presidents and former InfraTard employees and other lazy, incompetent, worthless swine that are cheating their way through life by running fake charities. They are mentally incompetent megalomaniacs running the country into ruin. That is their plan, so that they can continue to profiteer off of the destruction of our lives and legitimate small and medium sized businesses and family farms. All that they ask for is everything, including our brains, our thoughts, our DNA, our histories, our property, our posessions, and all of our constitutional rights, and right to self-determination. They want to own everything and everyone one on earth, and make all decisions regarding everyone and everything on earth. It is all that they ask of us. What is not to hate about them? What is not resistible about them? The only things that they have mastered are being evil, corrupt, greedy, abusive, cowardly, selfish, dysfunctional, spineless, incompetent, destructive, parasitic, lazy, kleptocracic, terrorists, dictatorial, narcissistic, sadistic, insane, hedonistic, deceptive, partisan, manipulative, propagandists, and being  anti-American.

    Andrea Iravani

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