BOMBSHELL: Leading Vaccine Expert Comes Forward, Spills The Brutal Truth About Dr. Fauci

(Liberty Bell) – Dr. Fauci has one job to do and that’s to keep the COVID fear-mongering going for as long as possible. The radical left and the maniacal globalists don’t want the so-called pandemic to end anytime soon and they’re relying on Fauci to keep the charade going.

He does a fantastic job, too. No one lies and deceives quite like the left’s COVID patron saint Fauci. As it turns out, Fauci has a rich history of lying and according to Dr. Robert Malone, a leading vaccine expert, Dr. Fauci is just doing what Dr. Fauci has always done.

Dr. Malone was remarking on his lack of surprise that Fauci is still insisting that people wear cloth masks despite the fact that even the CDC acknowledges they do nothing to stop the transmission of COVID.

“It’s Tony. What can I say? Tony has no integrity. He lies all of the time,” Malone said during an interview Monday night with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham.

“And me and my peers have been watching this for decades. We just shrug our shoulders and shake our heads and say it’s Fauci.”

Malone was responding to Ingraham’s question about whether or not the cloth masks actually do work as per Dr. Fauci during a Sunday interview with CNN’s “State of the Union” when he was asked if “cotton and surgical masks are effective at stopping the spread of omicron.”

“Yeah,” Fauci replied. “When the CDC said they aren’t effective, in fact, they are.”

Dr. Fauci has absolutely no shame. Nobody, except the Fauci worshippers, are still buying the myth that face masks work to stop the spread of COVID-19. Yet he keeps selling it.

In December, CNN medical expert Dr. Leana Wen acknowledged that “cloth masks are little more than facial decorations” and said there is “no place for them in light of omicron.”

Way back in March 2020, the CDC itself said that masks “are usually not recommended” in “non-healthcare settings,” while the executive director of the World Health Organization health emergencies program, Dr. Mike Ryan, said there was “no specific evidence to suggest that the wearing of masks by the mass population has any potential benefit.”

“In fact, there’s some evidence to suggest the opposite in the misuse of wearing a mask properly or fitting it properly,” he said.

The World Health Organization at the time recommended people not wear face masks unless they are sick with COVID-19 or caring for someone who is sick.

At that time, even flip-flopping Dr. Fauci was saying there’s “no reason to be walking around with a mask” in “the middle of an outbreak” and warned of “unintended consequences” during an interview with “60 Minutes.”

Malone agreed that a tightly fitted N-95 mask, when worn properly, can prevent the spread of the virus but they really aren’t a realistic option for most people, including children.

He added that omicron is as contagious as the measles and said, “We’re all going to get infected,” including those of us who have natural immunity.

It’s about time Dr. Fauci actually started following the real science and dropped the whole COVID pandemic charade. COVID is no different than any other seasonal cold/flu that’s come before it. Masks don’t work, Fauci is a liar and COVID is a scam.

Thank God for honest men like Dr. Malone for being brave enough to stand up against all of the lies and propaganda. If only people would wake up and listen.

Copyright 2022.


  1. The IAEA really should be calling for the ban of China’s fake sun, that is 10 times hotter than the sun when lit up, currently. This from people that started death by a thousand cuts. What could possibly go wrong?! So sick of the evil retards that control the world!

    Andrea Iravani

  2. Austin and Blinken are scheduled to tesify on Afghanistan pullout on Januray 10th. Pulling out of Afghanistan was the correct tging to do. It was an illegal 20 year occupation that cost the United States thousands of lives of service memers, and the unknown numbers of innocent Afghanis slaughtered in the brutal and illegal occupation, raping, and pillaging, and free for all money laundering racket. I oppose al-Qaeda and the Taliban, but they did not attack the United States. The United States has absolutely no right to be occupying Afghanistan or any other country. They focus on the thirteen service members that died during the pullout and ignore the thousands of service members that died during the occupation. How many service members would have died if we had remained there? Nobody knows the answer to that. It could have been all of them. There is one country that has attacked the United States, and it is United States federal, state, and local government kleptocrats that have repeatedly waged all out war on law abiding, patriotic, American citizens like me and members of my family. The United States government has treated me worse than the Taliban treats women. They spy on me in my home, break in, steal, vandalize, hack, restrict my communications and quest for knowledge, employment, and mobility, and kleptoquacks at Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee Hospital did illegal unconsented surgery on me while I was unconscious on March 27, 2014 implanting RFIDs in through my ears and nose initially resulting in sleep depriving tinnitus, burning and vibrating sensations, deteriorated vision, a sudden inability to be able to cry when I used to cry frequently, followed by being blasted with short wave radio signals frequency specific to the RFIDs 24/7 immediately following my phone being hacked in June of 2017. These radio signals threaten, harass, try to get me to give up posessions which I refuse to do, but they came in and stole from me, and they have illegally enslaved me by stealing physical and intellectual property from me, and have falsely imprisoned me in my own home since I am afraid to leave it from repeated break ins that have resulted in property theft and vandalism of my property, and they have even locked doors electro-magnetically or while in high tech military camo so that I was unable to see that they were in my house while I was in the garage and my back yard. They are monsters. They are terrorists. They are the scum of the earth. This is of course the same group of worthless scumbags that thought that a fake pandemic, faked plane attacks on the World Trade Towers and Pentagon, the opioid epidemic, $21 trillion in Pentagon accounting errors, repeated bailouts of high rolling gamblers in the stock market would be “good ideas.” 

    They are kleptocrats and they have proven time and time again that they feel absolutely no moral objection to covertly and extrajudicially murdering American citizens. They are monsters that dwarf Adolf Hitler, Pol Pot, and Stalin. They plan to reduce the global population to between 860 million and 1.2 billion. The shit for brains retards are going to have to try to contend with the issue of nuclear waste which is guaranteed to worsen over time even if they do that. So, they are not merely evil monsters, they are the most mentally incompetent people on the earth as well. 

    Austin and Blinken should be fired for refusing to acknowledge the absurd notion that you can evacuate from an illegal 20 year occupation without any fatalities. The service members knew that volunteering to join the military placed them at risk of getting killed in war. They should also be fired for claiming that we have to go back to Afghanistan, which will, without a doubt, kill far more than thirteen service members. 

    Andrea Iravani


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