Biden’s Potential SCOTUS Pick Reveals Her True Colors

(Liberty Bell) – A report from the folks over at The Western Journal has revealed that Minnesota U.S. District Court Judge Wilhelmina Wright is allegedly on the list of individuals Joe Biden has made of potential nominees to replace Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer.

In other words, she’s black and a woman so she fits all of the details for character traits that Biden has said are necessary for him to choose a person to nominate to the bench.

However, it seems that senators should be immediately alerted by a massive red flag considering the potential nominee. She is apparently willing to make social justice a higher priority than legal justice, which is exactly what happened during a January sentencing decision.

“The Post Millennial reported that on May 28, 2020, during the George Floyd riots, Montez Terriel Lee Jr. set fire to a Minneapolis pawn shop killing a man whose remains were found in the rubble two months after the fire,” the report said.

“Guidelines called for Lee to receive a minimum sentence of 16.5 to 20 years, according to the Washington Examiner. Wright, however, handed down a 10-year sentence instead,” it continued.

“A memo from the U.S. Attorney’s office for the District of Minnesota, in other words Biden’s DOJ, had recommended a reduced sentence,” the WJ went on to say in its report.

The memo in question, which was signed by acting U.S. Attorney W. Anders Folk and Assistant U.S Attorney Thomas Calhoun-Lopez, reads, “Mr. Lee was terribly misguided, and his actions had tragic, unthinkable consequences. But he appears to have believed that he was, in Dr. King’s eloquent words, engaging in ‘the language of the unheard.’”

“The Guidelines state that departure below this range is not ordinarily appropriate. However, this is an extraordinary case. The United States therefore seeks a downward variance, and a sentence of 144 months,” the memo goes on to stay.

The memo then goes on to say that “Mr. Lee’s motive for setting the fire is a foremost issue.”

In excerpts from the document, prosecutors seemingly portray Lee as a victim. That’s right, folks. A man lost his life and that is very, very sad, however, Mr. Lee has reportedly been oppressed his whole life, the prosecutors seemingly implied. He just happened to get caught up in the moment.

“Mr. Lee credibly states that he was in the streets to protest unlawful police violence against black men, and there is no basis to disbelieve this statement. Mr. Lee, appropriately, acknowledges that he ‘could have demonstrated in a different way,’ but that he was ‘caught up in the fury of the mob after living as a black man watching his peers suffer at the hands of police,'” one excerpt read.

“As anyone watching the news world-wide knows, many other people in Minnesota were similarly caught up. There appear to have been many people in those days looking only to exploit the chaos and disorder in the interests of personal gain or random violence. There appear also to have been many people who felt angry, frustrated, and disenfranchised, and who were attempting, in many cases in an unacceptably reckless and dangerous manner, to give voice to those feelings. Mr. Lee appears to be squarely in this latter category,” said another.

“And even the great American advocate for non-violence and social justice, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., stated in an interview with CBC’s Mike Wallace in 1966 that ‘we’ve got to see that a riot is the language of the unheard,'” a third excerpt from the document read.

“But the criminal culpability, and the danger to society, that an attempted murderer poses appears much greater than the culpability and danger of Mr. Lee,” the document stated.

“He states that he obtained his GED. … He has had significant troubles in school, but this trouble, as well as his history of drug abuse, again appears to be the result of the abusive and unstable environment in which he grew up. … Mr. Lee had a plan to turn his life around, which appears to have been upended by the COVID-19 pandemic,” the document said.

During his sentencing, according to a report published by The Post Millennial, Lee went on to tell the court, “I refuse to not learn from this experience and hope to make something positive from it.”

“This moment in life doesn’t define who I am, but it can help mold me into the person I want to become,” he stated.

“After all of that, prosecutors sought a sentence of 144 months — less than the 200 months the federal guidelines would normally call for, The Post Millennial reported,” WJ said.

That’s when Wright swooped in and sentenced Lee to a total of 120 months, which is more than five years less than what the guidelines demand, and a lot less than what the prosecutors actually asked for.

The Washington Free Beacon went on to report that Republicans in the House, led by Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, are now demanding some sort of explanation from the DOJ, which is exactly what they should do.

These kinds of rulings, social justice rulings, aren’t actually justice at all. Society cannot allow you to kill someone just because you are angry over perceived injustices.

“Lee’s political motives should have no bearing on his sentencing. His alleged anger over the death of George Floyd doesn’t justify the taking of a life — or the burning down of a business either. And the argument that he may not have known a person was inside the building when he set fire to it doesn’t hold water either,” the report said.

Again, this is not justice. It’s placing identity politics ahead of actual justice. Justice is something that needs to be color blind in order to be fair.

Copyright 2022.


  1. Slavery is illegal in the United States, but that has not stopped the kleptocrats in the surveillance state/gestapo/kleptoquack organized crime ring from illegally enslaving me as a pedagogue.

    The majority of slaves in Greece were female pedagogues that accompanied aristocrtic boys to school and did all of their thinking for them because their own mothers were just too God damned f-ing stupid to and so were the boys.

    The reason for the mental incompetency of Greek aristocrats was because they used lead utensiles, cups, bowls, and pots.

    You are not entitled tp enslave me by spying on me or by brain raping me.

    Get a job at McDonalds or Amazon.

    You are lazy, evil, mentally incompetent, morally depraved, mutant monkeys and it is time for you sick worthless retarded scumbags to accept your rightful places in this world!

    Probably yet just another coincidence that after initially posting this above comment Andrew Napolitano had an article on Global Research regarding surveillance which Napolitano was wrong about again in claiming that the fourth amendment restrictions on spying on people only applies to the federal government. That is absolute bullshit. There are scores of laws that prevent others from spying on people often known as peeping tom laws enacted by states and the federal government, in addition to illegal eavesdropping laws, and anti-stalking laws often include the use illegal surveillance as a form of stalking.

    You really can’t expect a former judge to know or understand the law though. That would just be expecting way too much from a government employee.

    EO 12333 and all of the other surveillance is illegal. FISA courts are illegal secret organized crime rings. A secret agreement to violate another person’s rights is a secret agreement to commit organized crime.

    You’re scum and we know it! FU and your monkey tribe! Useless, Unworthy, Unnecessary, Uninvited, Unwanted, monkey see monkey do monkey tribe losers!

    A secret police/surveillance state existed in the Byzantine Empire, known as The Curiossi. My guess is that that is where the phrase curiosity killed the cat originated, followed by cat burglar, and copy cat, because cats are notoriously independently mined creatures and copying behavior is not something that cats are known for. It is something that monkeys and parrots are known for, but not cats. Everybody hates spies. Everbody always has. The Russians had a Death to Spies program. The Brits attempted to revamp ( no pun intended ) the image of spies with James Bond. The United States showed them the real deal. Richard Nixon. Not exactly the image of the s*xy spy that the Brits had hoped to portray, but a real turn off. The Brits were more accurate with Inspector Clousseau as the typical image of a spy. In America they attempted to revamp the image of the spy by calling them intelligence agents, even though they are the biggest f-ing morons in the country, which they never stop proving.

    This is ridiculous that you are censoring the word s*xy! I tried posting it with correct spelling and it did not post.

    Andrea Iravani

  2. Michel Chossudovsky’s pacifism, and others in the survellance/gestapo/kleptoquack organized crime ring have destroyed humanity entirely.

    Michel Chossudovsky is a pacifist and has refused to publicly hold accountable anyone other than an extremely small group of individuals over the fake pandemic brought on by the fake virus.

    Michel Chossudovsky’s mission is self-evident, to continue to save the guilty murderous, narcissistic megalomaniacs that are directly responsible for the world’s worst crimes against humanity by giving them narcissistic supply on his website in a super-man complex scam that continue to put forth blatant lies and continue to let this murderous rampage to take place.

    This should not really be all that surprising considering that Chossudovsky was an economic consultant to the WEF, the UN, and the World Bank and several nation states that are in lock step with the fake pandemic narrative.

    It appears that Chossudovsky is the ring leader in all of this, to be perfectly honest, the same way that the FBI and police illeagally entrap people to commit acts of terrorism.

    Michel Chossudovsky has never criticized the Chinese government on a single occasion because of Omerta apparently. It is certainly not for a lack of things to criticize the Chinese government over!

    Michel Chossudovsky wants people to believe that he opposes all of this, yet it was China that started this. That cannot be denied.
    Covid-19 does not exist any more than Puff the Magic Dragon exists, but China was the first country to sound alarms and lock down Wuhan over protests from real estate market collapses, waste incinerators, and human rights abuses that they did not want to spill over into the highly televised Chinese New Year parade, and also because of declining exports coinciding with the Chinese real estate market collapse.

    Chossudovsky is a typical Brit. Rabidly and venomously anti-American. Chossudovsky keeps blaming America for this. America played a large role in this. To ignore the role that China played in this would be the equivalent of ignoring the role that Adolf Hitler played in the holocaust. China still has a zero tolerance covid policy. This ludicrous psy-op is a Marxist tactic employing an ends justify the means mentality by any means necessary, and Chossudovsky has not publicly denounced China over this policy on a single occasion on his website. Chossudovsky has demonstrated through both his actions and inactions to be of the same mind, that the ends justify the means by any means necessary, which is the same tactic used by Bill Gates and those that continue to push forth this murderous rampage of innocents, and those that continue to demand that those responsible are prosecuted. The universities around the world played an immense role in all of this. Chossudovsky wants to pacify the scumbags that have insisted on students being injected with poisonous shots. Chossudovsky thinks that these evil, monstrous, narcissistic, megalomaniacal scumbags should not be prosecuted for this policy of forcing students to be injected with these poisonous shots.

    Andrea Iravani

  3. Retarded scumbags in the surveillance state that have illegally invaded my life, brain, and property have forfeited their right to live, because they are unquestionably just too God damned f-ing retarded to beable to live.

    I am not your or your retarded scumbag children’s pedagogue you sick, worthless, insignificant, f-ing retards! If you have to spy on people, brain-rape people, or invade someone else’s property to be able to graduate from school, do your job, or live, then you are obviously just way too God damned f-ing retarded to be able to graduate from school, do your job, or be able to live.

    Hopefully today will be my lucky day when someone kills you.

    Why don’t you scumbags in the Grafton or Ozaukee police or FBI just kill me now? It sure as hell wouldn’t be the first time that the police or FBI just broke into an innocent person’s home and shot and killed them point blank for absolutely no reason!

    Is it because your worthless snot nosed retarded slime ball brats are just as retarded as you scumbags are and are using me as a pedagogue, illegally enslaving me because they had the curse of being your children and inheriting your degenerate monkey tribe genes?!

    You refuse to arrest the criminals that have committed this crime spree on me, so you must be benefitting from it, because it is your job!

    Read the constitution you sick f-ing retarded scumbags in the surveillance/gestapo/kleptoquack organized crime ring!

    What else could explain it?!

    Andrea Iravani

  4. The scumbags in the surveillance/gestapo/kleptoquack state that have perpetrated this organized crime spree on me, and are involved in the fake pandemic and cover-up of it, and the 9/11 inside job and continued cover-up of it, have earned, are entitled to and deserve the same amount of respect that school shooters have earned, are entitled to, and deserve.

    Everyone else knows that serial criminal psychopaths that commit evil crimes against humanity are not entitled to being treated with respect!

    The covid-shots are poisonous! People keep dying and getting sick from them! You want to pretend that you are caring and helping people while injecting them with fatal poison! Like a girl scout selling girl scout cookies laced with strychnine and arsenic and posing as the innocent friendly neighborhood girl scout! It is sick as hell!

    Why don’t you sick f-ing retards know that?!

    Andrea Iravani


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