ALERT: Looking For Proof Biden Is A Racist? We’ve Got Evidence Right Here

(Liberty Bell) – It’s not exactly a well kept secret to say that Joe Biden has a bit of a racist history. However, he’s not just a racist. In fact, he’s more like a cranky, twisted old dude who pretty much hates all human beings regardless of skin color or ethnicity.

So I guess that makes him worse than we thought, right?

After all, Biden is the kind of fellow who craves to have power and prestige above all things. Kind of inevitable that a person who wants those two things will hate other human beings. You have to if you want to rule over others as if you’re better than they are.

Now, that’s not to say that Biden doesn’t often come off as racist. There is a rather extensive historical record of remarks made by him that should provide more than enough evidence to convince folks that he’s not as “progressive” as they think he is.

A report from The Western Journal points out a recent example of his racist tendencies. Biden made a remark providing an explanation for why he thinks so many American Latinos might be resisting COVID vaccination.

“They’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported,” Biden said according to a report from The Heritage Foundation.

Now just take a moment and imagine what would happen if President Trump or any other major conservative figure made that statement. There would be a years-long campaign of attack launched against said individuals.

Could it really be that Biden believes every Latino person in the country is actually an illegal alien that could potentially be expelled from the country? I mean, surely he has people around him who would inform him that there are currently more than 60 million Latino individuals living here who are American citizens, according to a recent census, right?

“Why stop alienating such a sizable voting block there? Biden — in his great wisdom — referred to this same segment of the population as ‘Latinx.’ The term was invented in the woke-academy by ostensibly genderless professors who object to gender-specific words inherent in the Spanish language,” the WJ piece said.

“According to The Heritage Foundation, only 3% of Latinos use ‘Latinx’ to describe themselves. Even worse — maybe — less than a quarter of Latinos have ever even heard of the word. Many Latinos are openly hostile to the term, seeing it as a bastardization of a beautiful language,” the WJ continued.

Okay, so we’ve covered the Latino demographic. How about Biden’s remarks concerning blacks?

“Biden, in another attempt to explain away why people are leery about taking vaccines, said that blacks may be afraid of the COVID vaccine because of historically shameful incidents where they were subject to unethical medical experiments,” the report continued.

“They are used to being experimented on—the Tuskegee Airmen and others,” Biden blabbed.

“He might have gotten some traction here if the statement was historically accurate. Biden confused the Tuskegee Airmen — legendary World War II fighter pilots — with the infamous governmental study of syphilis among black men, the Tuskegee Experiment,” the piece said.

And that’s just from one press conference. There are actually a lot more like it. Again, if this were a Republican making these remarks, his career in politics would be over lickety-split.

Back in 1977, Biden stated that forced busing to desegregate schools would result in his kids growing up “in a racial jungle.”


Then, back in 2007, Biden referred to Barack Obama as “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”

How did that not end his political career? Seriously.

Then in 2006, Biden said, “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin’ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.”

And nope, it doesn’t end there. Biden seems to be racist against all minorities. He’s an equal opportunity hater.

“Biden claimed Trump was wrong in holding China accountable for the coronavirus. Why? Because Americans can’t distinguish ‘between a South Korean and someone from Beijing,'” the report pointed out.

“I’m not quite sure who this insult is aimed at, Asians or Americans — probably both if Biden’s pattern holds true. Are Americans supposed to be able to distinguish people from, say, Belarus from people of Ukraine? Is the broad term ‘Asian’ to be reduced to national boundaries? I wonder if a Latino from Guatemala is supposed to be distinguished from a Latinx from Uruguay?” the WJ piece continued.

“While we’re at it, let’s take a brief look at Biden’s attitude towards whites, a generalized racial grouping that, presumably, Biden inhabits. (Forgive me, but I can’t tell at first glance an Irishman from a Scot.) The Biden administration’s infrastructure bill is chock-full of anti-white racism. As one example, the $1.2 trillion bill seeks to insert CRT’s anti-white racism into multiple taxpayer-funded programs,” the piece added.

The man even hates the race he himself is a part of. What kind of sane person hates human beings this much?

Oh, remember the time that Biden slurred the N-word while reading a speech during the European Union Virtual Munich Security Conference?

This report stated, “President Joe Biden recently read a speech to the Virtual Munich Security Conference in which he seemed to stumble and slip during his presentation, which, again, is just reading, slurring his words together before finally allowing the mother of all racial bad words, the N-word, to slip out of his mouth. This man is a total disgrace.”

“’…I’m either to hear, I’m eager to hear. (pause) Ni$$er to hear, next from my good friends, and outstanding leaders, sanser(??) Merkel about her thoughts on the way forward together…’ Biden says, barely seeming able to even speak a single word of this speech clearly. There is no way this guy is mentally fit to be the president. None. Zip. Zilch,” the report noted.

The bottom line here is this man is a disgrace.

Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed of a day when race would disappear and our society would then judge people by the content of their character. And we had made great strides toward that very thing, until Democrats took control and radical left-wing ideology began to once again refocus the value of a person on their race and skin color, setting us back decades in race relations.

And Biden is part of the crowd responsible for that.

Copyright 2022.


  1. Illuminati Alien Invasion Through Solar Panels and Space Satellites

    Ureka! I figured it out! The psychos that are in the surveillance state, governments, and medical mafia are aliens! They travel in photon form into solar panels. After being received in the solar panels, they reconfigure themselves using the electric and magnetic forces and are beamed through lights that appear in the form of human shadows in black body radiation and transform the electric and magnetic forces into matter from matter surrounding them using the particle charge to electromagnetically attract particle matter so that they reconfigure in solid form.

    That certainly explains their absolute hatred of earthlings!  They are alien space invaders!

    Everyone expected them to travel in space ships! They don’t! They travel at the speed of light in photon form into solar panels! They then transform the photons into matter, which explains the inefficency of the solar panels, since they are not becoming stored energy.

    There are of course others that travel through space satellites beamed to earth,  still using the same methods but reconfigure themselves through devices that are hooked up ti wifi. 

    These aliens censor and ban popular accounts on social media, and spy because they do not understand earthlings, and use mammillian mimmickry and plagiarism, which they have done to me, and shut down my Twitter account. They are also identity thieves since they need a legal identity.

    We the People must end this alien invasion of traveling at the speed of light in photon form! They have destroyed the earth! We must exterminate the aliens that have destroyed the earth!

    They are so desperate to try to understand human earthlings that they even started the American Brain Initiative and implant RFIDs and computer chips in people’s brains, which they did to me while I was unconscioys in the hospital that resulted in Havana Syndrome, and they torture and terrorize me 24/7 with short wave radio signals which started immediately after they hacked my phone in june of 2017. They wanted me to go to the Bayshore Mall Apple Store, because Bayshore Mall is an abduction capital in America, which I did not do since I knew that, so that they could murder me and sell my organs on the black market and steal my identity. 

    Look at how these psychos like Fauci, Gates, Musk, and Zuckerberg are acting and ask yourselves if there is any possible way that they could be human beings. The obvious answer is no way, not a chance!

    Andrea Iravani

  2. Don’t feed the animals. End the government funding of health research.

    It’s all so bogus. They claim that they want to depopulate the planet. Why are they spending so much money on health research? What in the hell is the point if it? I’ll tell you what the point of it is, to enrich researchers. Nothing more. It is time to compensate the researchers victims instead, which I happen to be one of! Their research does not even use the scientific method. It is total junk science and data manipuation. It is not research. It is crimes against humanity and fraud!Just stop funding them! The country would be better off if they died right now! They are sick as hell! They make Josef Mengele look like Mr. Rogers!

    Andrea Iravani

  3. Peter Pans and Pollyannas Destroyed the World

    This is not the Time for Being Pollyannish. There is not Anything to be Pollyannish About.

    Not being Pollyannish often labels women as mentally ill or difficult, because the men that are labeling them suffer from narcissism, and Peter Pan Syndrome and are too immature to face reality and would rather pretend that it does not exist because it is more satisfying to them than facing reality. It is more convenient for them to just send the women that are not Pollyanna to a shrink that will enable the Peter Pans so that they do not have to experience uncomfortable emotions rather than facing reality. In fact, if it wasn’t for shrinks, social workers, and psychiatrists, we probably would not even have most of the Peter Pans that we have.

    America has some extremely severe problems on its hands. It is infested with spies that are thieves, hackers, vandals, stalkers, and peeping Tom’s. If you want to claim that I am a loan wolf conspiracy theorist since I know that, because I have been their victim, then you will just sound like you are crazy or full of shit, in light of the overwhelming body of evidence, that being that America is suffering from systemic corruption, systemic crime, and systemic surveillance. It is not coincidental. It was the plan.

    Another extremely severe problem that America has on its hands is that it also is infested with kleptoquacks that feel no remorse or moral objection to falsely diagnosing people and even murdering them for their own financial gain, and if you call me a whacky loan wolf conspiracy theorist for knowing that since I have been their victim, you will just sound like you are crazy or full of shit in light of the overwhelming body of evidence, with over a century of charlatan practices including forced sterilizations and hospitalizations, Eugenics, the Bad Blood Experiment referred to as the Tuskegee Experiment since the start of the fake pandemic, the Millgram Experiment, radiation experiments on pregnant women and new borns, MKULTRA, the Human Brain Initiative, the opioid epidemic, the fake pandemic based on fake blood tests, and used for mandating fake vaccines that have harmed and killed more people than they have helped. 

    Another severe problem that America is suffering from is systemic dereliction of duty and systemic gross negligence, and if you will say that I am loan wolf conspiracy theorist for knowing that, since I have been a victim of it, you will just sound like you are completely crazy, or completely full of shit, in light of the overwhelming body of evidence including the faked plane attacks on the World Trade Towers and Pentagon, the seven false flag wars that followed suit, the repeated stock market bubbles and bail outs, the $21 trillion in Pentagon accounting errors between the years of 1998 and 2016, the opioid epidemic, and the fake pandemic based on fake blood tests used to mandate the total destruction of America and fake vaccines.

    Unfortunately, these problems are not unique to America. They are international, and I happen to know that, because I have been their victim.

    It is not only A Small World Afterall, it is tragically also a Cruel World Afterall, since the world is too small that to accomodate all of us peacefully and prosperously. 

    Life in America for those like myself that are not in the surveillance state and healthcare sector, is now synonymous with trying to survive inside a barrel of leeches, and for those in the surveillance state and health care sectors life is evidently synonymous with being brainless leeches. I have seen leeches in my yard, and they didn’t appear to be enjoying themselves either, they just slug along like leeches do being driven by a brain incapable of any higher functioning.

    Obviously, the psychos in the surveillance state have displayed the most outrageous Pollyannishness and Peter Pannishness possible, being so insanely optimistic that they could get away with such sick, evil, sadistic, down right satanic crimes against humanity, despite the vast enormity of the surveillance state and the millions, if not billions of people that occupy it. It is a well known fact that not everyone in the surveillance state thinks alike, in fact, they are literally killing each other in broad daylight everyday right before our eyes. There will undoubtedly be a multi- decades long cycle of retribution among various individuals, groups, and countries. Obviously, if so many individuals are willing to commit such a sick evil sadistic crime spree against me for my property, whoever steals it will undoubtedly face the same type of behavior from the enormous competetion in the surveillance state and those individuals will steal it from them. They have turned the country into a lawless banana bureaucracy. They are not human beings. They are satanic beasts. At what point did they make the conscious decisions to sell their souls to the devil? Or was it not a conscious decision, but just something that slowly happened over time in order to feed their own self-serving, narcissistic, megalomaniacal, mostrous egoes?

    Please, just start a voluntary euthanasia program now. Who in the hell do you think you are?! What in the hell is the matter with you?! You and your lifestyles are sick and offensive as hell!  I am sick and tired of watching this multi-layered Orwellian horror story unfold before my eyes, and I am sick and tired of being so many people’s victim of organized crime. It is not ok. I am not community property, neither is my brain, neither is my life, neither is my family, and neither is my property. I am sick of the parasitic surveillance state and leeching kleptoquacks that destroyed my life, my health, my brain, members of my family, my dog, and my property. I would rather be euthanized than have anything to do with you. You disgust me. You are the most anti-American people on earth. You are also the largest national security threat to America. You are also the largest terrorist network in America. The evidence is overwhelming. Read the constitution.

    The researches that are part of the American Brain Coalition must be tried for crimes against humanity, doing illegal brain surgery on people and illegal research on people without informing people that the surgery or research  is being done on them, and obviously without the consent of people for research and surgery that was done on them. 

    I am convinced that this was done to me. Of course nobody would ever consent to such research. I never did. Nobody admits that they have done it to me. RFIDs were illegally implanted in my ears and nose while unconscious at Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee Hospital March 27,2014. The monsters involved in this should be sentenced to death. They have surpassed Josef Mengela. They blast me with short wave radio signals and spy on me 24/7, and use mind reading technology on me that occasionally repeats something that I just though with the short wave radio signals. The shortwave radio signals repeat nonsenical meaningless babbling chants, threats, intimidation, harrassment, and demands, none of which I would ever comply with. They are the scum of the eath. They are pseudo-scientists. They are monsters. They deserve the death sentence. It has resulted in Havana Syndrome, constant insomnia, a sudden inability to be able to cry immediately after the illegal unconsented surgery, and a sudden need for bifocals when I had 20/20 vision, and sudden rapid
    pre-mature aging.   I refuse to see anyone in the healthcare or mental heathcare fields because of that and the multi decades long crime spree that they have perpetrated against me, members of my family, and my property. The fake pandemic has proven that evetyone in healthcare is a sick, sadistic, evil monster. I hope that everyone of them is sentenced to death. They have earned it.

    Andrea Iravani

  4. Peter Pans and Pollyannas Destroyed the World

    This is not the Time for Being Pollyannish. There is not Anything to be Pollyannish About.

    Not being Pollyannish often labels women as mentally ill or difficult, because the men that are labeling them suffer from narcissism, and Peter Pan Syndrome and are too immature to face reality and would rather pretend that it does not exist because it is more satisfying to them than facing reality. It is more convenient for them to just send the women that are not Pollyanna to a shrink that will enable the Peter Pans so that they do not have to experience uncomfortable emotions rather than facing reality. In fact, if it wasn’t for shrinks, social workers, and psychiatrists, we probably would not even have most of the Peter Pans that we have.

    America has some extremely severe problems on its hands. It is infested with spies that are thieves, hackers, vandals, stalkers, and peeping Tom’s. If you want to claim that I am a loan wolf conspiracy theorist since I know that, because I have been their victim, then you will just sound like you are crazy or full of shit, in light of the overwhelming body of evidence, that being that America is suffering from systemic corruption, systemic crime, and systemic surveillance. It is not coincidental. It was the plan.

    Another extremely severe problem that America has on its hands is that it also is infested with kleptoquacks that feel no remorse or moral objection to falsely diagnosing people and even murdering them for their own financial gain, and if you call me a whacky loan wolf conspiracy theorist for knowing that since I have been their victim, you will just sound like you are crazy or full of shit in light of the overwhelming body of evidence, with over a century of charlatan practices including forced sterilizations and hospitalizations, Eugenics, the Bad Blood Experiment referred to as the Tuskegee Experiment since the start of the fake pandemic, the Millgram Experiment, radiation experiments on pregnant women and new borns, MKULTRA, the Human Brain Initiative, the opioid epidemic, the fake pandemic based on fake blood tests, and used for mandating fake vaccines that have harmed and killed more people than they have helped. 

    Another severe problem that America is suffering from is systemic dereliction of duty and systemic gross negligence, and if you will say that I am loan wolf conspiracy theorist for knowing that, since I have been a victim of it, you will just sound like you are completely crazy, or completely full of shit, in light of the overwhelming body of evidence including the faked plane attacks on the World Trade Towers and Pentagon, the seven false flag wars that followed suit, the repeated stock market bubbles and bail outs, the $21 trillion in Pentagon accounting errors between the years of 1998 and 2016, the opioid epidemic, and the fake pandemic based on fake blood tests used to mandate the total destruction of America and fake vaccines.

    Unfortunately, these problems are not unique to America. They are international, and I happen to know that, because I have been their victim.

    It is not only A Small World Afterall, it is tragically also a Cruel World Afterall, since the world is too small that to accomodate all of us peacefully and prosperously. 

    Life in America for those not in the surveillance state and healthcare sector, like myself is now synonymous with trying to survive inside a barrel of leeches, and for those in the surveillance state and health care sectors life is evidently synonymous with being brainless leeches. I have seen leeches in my yard, and they didn’t appear to be enjoying themselves either, they just slug along like leeches do being driven by a brain incapable of any higher functioning.

    Obviously, the psychos in the surveillance state have displayed the most outrageous Pollyannishness and Peter Pannishness possible, being so insanely optimistic that they could get away with such sick, evil, sadistic, down right satanic crimes against humanity, despite the vast enormity of the surveillance state and the millions, if not billions of people that occupy it. It is a well known fact that not everyone in the surveillance state thinks alike, in fact, they are literally killing each other in broad daylight everyday right before our eyes. There will undoubtedly be a multi- decades long cycle of retribution among various individuals, groups, and countries. Obviously, if so many individuals are willing to commit such a sick evil sadistic crime spree against me for my property, whoever steals it will undoubtedly face the same type of behavior from the enormous competetion in the surveillance state and those individuals will steal it from them. They have turned the country into a lawless banana bureaucracy. They are not human beings. They are satanic beasts. At what point did they make the conscious decisions to sell their souls to the devil? Or was it not a conscious decision, but just something that slowly happened over time in order to feed their own self-serving, narcissistic, megalomaniacal, mostrous egoes?

    Andrea Iravani


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