GOP Senator: It’s Better For America If Biden Shuts Up

(Liberty Bell) – Joe Biden is his own worst enemy. Listening to him try to speak and string words together into sentences is some kind of special torture. He has made a habit of embarrassing the US and making us into a laughing stock the majority of the times he opens his mouth.

That’s why Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) asserted that it would be best for the country if Biden just kept his mouth shut and stayed out of view.

During an interview on Hugh Hewitt’s radio show, Sen. Paul did not mince words when he gave his thoughts on Joe Biden’s recent two-hour press conference and Biden’s assertion that a “minor” incursion by Russia into Ukraine wasn’t any big deal.

He explained that while watching Joe Biden speak, he thought, “You know, it’s rambling and disjointed enough that it’s really hard to get a coherent message out of it. I think really for the good of the country because the thing about foreign policy, as I know you know, is there are things you say. There are things you do to try to influence other countries. And they are influenced by your public pronouncements. And in some ways, that’s all you have. You have the threat of military might, but you also have the influence of what you say.”

He continued, “So you can’t be sending a muddled message or a message of well, it may not be too big a deal, you know, if there’s a Russian incursion. So I think that it’s a mistake for him to be out in front. It’s dangerous to the country. And I think we’re stuck with him, in all likelihood, until 2024.

“And I think it would be good for the country for him not to speak and not to appear in public,” he said.

Sen. Paul certainly has a point. Biden isn’t doing the US any favors when he speaks, especially in the department of foreign affairs. It’s absurd to think anyone around the world could possibly take him seriously.

Biden’s latest comments are just further proof that he is a fool. On Wednesday, when he called the incursion on Ukraine by Russia “minor” it prompted a response from Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

“We want to remind the great powers that there are no minor incursions and small nations,” Zelensky said, adding, “Just as there are no minor casualties and little grief from the loss of loved ones. I say this as the president of a great power.”

Biden had previously stated that the US would hold Russian President Vladimir Putin accountable if Russia invaded Ukraine but also said, according to USA Today, that the consequences would depend on the extent of Russia’s aggression towards Ukraine.

“It depends on what (Russia) does. It’s one thing if it’s a minor incursion and we end up having to fight about [what] we have to do and not do,” Biden said.

Republican lawmakers called Biden out, saying his comments were “deeply problematic and could be seen by Putin as a free pass to invade Ukraine.”

Rep. Michael McCaul (R-TX) said that “Biden’s remarks on Russia’s buildup near Ukraine tonight were nothing short of a disaster,” and added, “He shared the potential disunity of Western nations on tough sanctions and clearly gave Vladimir Putin the green light to launch a ‘minor incursion.’”

In response, Biden’s handlers forced him to clarify his comments on Thursday: “If any assembled Russian units move across the Ukrainian border, that is an invasion. Let there be no doubt if Putin makes this choice, Russia will pay a heavy price.”

Putin is surely shaking in his boots now. Joe Biden is a clown and no one can take him seriously.

Copyright 2022.


  1. The scumbags in governents, the surveillance state, and medical mafia are on the loose, destroying the country and my personal property, replacing appliances, counters, even toilets with shrunken variations, and furniture, and other things with shrunken, or inferior mutated variations of what I had, in order to try to convince me that i need the creepy retarded scumbags in the surveillance state to invade my life, or the gas lighters in the medical mafia to invade my life. All that they have convinced me of is to stay the hell away from them, and that the world would be better off without them! I am entitled to all of my property AND all of my constitutional rights! Why in the HELL would I want sick, retarded, creepy scumbags in the surveillance state or gas lighters in the medical mafia in my life? The surveillance cameras can be hacked, broken, stolen, make deep fake videos, or have lights shone on them to white out imagaes, or maybe someone might wear a disguise! Sorry, but you are a bunch of numb skulls!  You have the right  to remain silent, and go to federal pennitentiaries! Those are your only remaining rights! 

    Shit for brains retards! If you have to perpetrate a crime spree against someone in order to convince them that they need you, they obviously do not need you, and nobody else does either! There is a legal term for it, known as extortion, which is a class one felony and violation of RICO laws! 

    Do everyone a favor and kill yourselves! Seriously! Obviously, no point in having local, or county governmemts or police either, since they refuse to do anything about it and tell me that I am imagining that it is happening! The gas lighters and destructive, parasitic, kleptocratic  on the public tax dole destroying and stealing my property, the neighborhood, the village of Grafton, Wisconsin and Ozaukee County, Wisconsin!

    This is just a shithole neighborhood, in a shithole village, in a shithole county, in a shithole state, in shithole country! These things would not be happening if that was not all true! It’s not me its you! The fake pandemic is the most recent national crime spree that you have all perpetrated which proves it! It is just one evil crime spree after another with you scumbags in governments, the surveillance state, and the medical mafia! You suck! 

    Andrea Iravani

  2. The scumbags in governents, the surveillance state, and medical mafia are on the loose, destroying the country and my personal property, replacing appliances, counters, even toilets with shrunken variations, and furniture, and other things with shrunken, or inferior mutated variations of what I had, in order to try to convince me that i need the creepy retarded scumbags in the surveillance state to invade my life, or the gas lighters in the medical mafia to invade my life. All that they have convinced me of is to stay the hell away from them, and that the world would be better off without them! I am entitled to all of my property AND all of my constitutional rights! Why in the HELL would I want sick, retarded, creepy scumbags in the surveillance state in my life?! The surveillance cameras can be hacked, broken, stolen, make deep fake videos, or have lights shone on them to white out imagaes, or maybe someone might wear a disguise! Sorry, but you are a bunch of numb skulls!  You have the right  to remain silent, and go to federal pennitentiaries! Those are your only remaining rights! 

    Shit for brains retards! If you have to perpetrate a crime spree against someone in order to convince them that they need you, they obviously do not need you, and nobody else does either! There is a legal term for it, known as extortion, which is a class one felony and violation of RICO laws! 

    Do everyone a favor and kill yourselves! Seriously! Obviously, no point in having local, or county governmemts or police either, since they refuse to do anything about it! Just gas lighters and destructive, parasitic, kleptocratic  on the public tax dole destroying and stealing my property, the neighborhood, the village of Grafton, Wisconsin and Ozaukee County, Wisconsin!

    Andrea Iravani

  3. Zero Trust! Zero Confidence! Zero Respect! FU Zeros!

    Obviously, the intention was to completely destroy the country by completely destroying trust. 

    The fake environmentalists have engaged in massive property destruction throughout the country, including a tremendous amount of my property. The first rule of thumb in environmentalism is to reduce consumption. They are terrorists and vandals that use mafia extortion tactics in order to drum up business. These psychos are not environmemtalists per se’ but they claim to support the green new deal. They are the scum of the earth. Public works contractors and utilities are infamous for it, demanding enormous sums of money to rebuild and re-engineer things that are not even broken, and they vandalize roads and sewer systems and just about anything else. Mafia construction contractors are also involved in this, and they do it to private property. They make it appear to be normal wear and tear, but it is not. It is vandalism and theft. They also steal things that are in excellent condition and replace them with things that are in bad condition or are lower quality variations of what I had.  They are like termites. The world would be better off without them. The Grafton and Ozaukee County Wisconsin police refuse to admit that it is happening, because they want to pretend that there is a low crime rate so that people are not afraid to buy homes, cars, furniture, appliances, electronics, and just about everything else. They say that I am imagining it and that it is all in my head and tell me to ridiculously install a surveillance camera when there is one at the end of the street that they refused to check when I asked them after they told me to install one. I told them that a camera cannot prevent anyone from breaking in, stealing, vandalizing, or harming me, and that a camera can be broken, stolen, hacked, deep fakes can be created, or have lights shined on it to white out an image. They have hacked into everything that I own that can be hacked. If I installed a surveillance camera and they did not
    hack into it, it would be the sole thing that they did not hack into that could be hacked. Why in the HELL would I invite the surveillance state into my life to monitor me after the sick, evil, sadistic crime spree that they have committed on me, members of my family, my dog, my property, and my country?! How stupid and insane would someone have to be to do that?!

    The American dream is a complete scam. They sell it to you, then steal it from you, then try to make you buy it back from them, and even murder people in the fake healthcare system. I am so glad that I did not have children because everything about this country has turned out to be an absolute lie! The entire economy is a gigantic hoax, obviously! People would not be doing this if it wasn’t, because they would not be able to get away with it! They would be in prison! This cannot be fixed. There is no silver bullet! It is all an absolute scam! Now I know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

    The Government, Wall Street, and the surveillance state thought that they would fix the healthcare system and save them, by turning them into serial killers. I know who to stay away from! The government, Wall Street, The surveillance state, and healthcare workers! 

    F U scammers! Do everyone a favor and commit mass suicide! How in the hell can you tolerate yourselves?!

    Andrea Iravani

  4. The fake environmentalists have engaged in massive property destruction throughout the country, including a tremendous amount of my property. The first rule of thumb in environmentalism is to reduce consumption. They are terrorists and vandals that use mafia extortion tactics in order to drum up business. These psychos are not environmemtalists per se’ but they claim to support the green new deal. They are the scum of the earth. Public works contractors and utilities are infamous for it, demanding enormous sums of money to rebuild and re-engineer things that are not even broken, and they vandalize roads and sewer systems and just about anything else. Mafia construction contractors are also involved in this, and they do it to private property. They make it appear to be normal wear and tear, but it is not. It is vandalism and theft. They also steal things that are in excellent condition and replace them with things that are in bad condition or are lower quality variations of what I had.  They are like termites. The world would be better off without them. The Grafton and Ozaukee County Wisconsin police refuse to admit that it is happening, because they want to pretend that there is a low crime rate so that people are not afraid to buy homes, cars, furniture, appliances, electronics, and just about everything else. They say that I am imagining it and that it is all in my head and tell me to ridiculously install a surveillance camera when there is one at the end of the street that they refused to check when I asked them after they told me to install one. I told them that a camera cannot prevent anyone from breaking in, stealing, vandalizing, or harming me, and that a camera can be broken, stolen, hacked, deep fakes can be created, or have lights shined on it to white out an image. They have hacked into everything that I own that can be hacked. If I installed a surveillance camera and they did not
    hack into it, it would be the sole thing that they did not hack into that could be hacked.

    The American dream is a complete scam. They sell it to you, then steal it from you, then try to make you buy it back from them, and even murder people in the fake healthcare system. I am so glad that I did not have children because everything about this country has turned out to be an absolute lie! The entire economy is a gigantic hoax, obviously! People would not be doing this if it wasn’t, because they would not be able to get away with it! They would be in prison! This cannot be fixed. There is no silver bullet! It is all an absolute scam! Now I know the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth!

    The Government, Wall Street, and Silicon Valley thought that they would fix the healthcare system and save them, by turning them into serial killers. I know who to stay away from! The government, Wall Street, Silicon Valley companies, and healthcare workers!

    F U scammers! Do everyone a favor and commit mass suicide! How in the hell can you tolerate yourselves?!

    Andrea Iravani

  5. The Red Coats are stirring up trouble again by outright lying regarding U.S. State Department matters. The Financial Times lied and said that the United States urged Lithuania to change the name of the Taiwan office in Vilinus to the Taipaei office in order to appease Chinese officials. Taipaei is the capitol city of Taiwan, making the claim even more ridiculous. The U.S. government rejects the fictious report.

    Andrea Iravani

  6. So, tell me, InfraTards, why are you spying on me and everyone else? Are you paranoid schizophrenics, or do you have Munchausen’s Syndrome and just want to let me know that you are spying on me by constantly repeating things that I have said, or done, or written about in emails not addressed to you, so that when I tell people you hope that they will just think I’m crazy,  or are you sick retards, or are you sick perverted feaks, or are you serial criminal psychopathic thieves, or did the dogs eat your brains, or is it a combination of those?! 


    InfraTards, move on. You must have mistaken me for a politician or government employee. I do not appease terrorists like they are infamous for doing.

    What does someone have to do in order to free themselves from the InfraTard scumbags ?! Go into solitary confinement or die? What happens when the threats made by the InfraTards of solitary confinement in a prison or death are more appealing options than living in a world with the InfraTard destructive parasites roaming around freely, murdering, terrorizing, vandalizing, censoring, stealing, and destroying everyone and everything good and just? At that point they have lost all power over everyone.

    InfraTard scumbags threw a hissy fit because I wanted to outlaw 501c3s and fake charitible trusts that have destroyed the country and are fraud schemes. They have been attacking me like a school of piranhas. I am right they are wrong. The evidence proves it. Their opinions are just not worth enough to be considered charitible acts. They donate money to themselves and their relatives and pollute the airwaves and internet with their worthless, hackneyed opinions amd hair brained schemes like the fake pandemic and B.L.M. looting, arson, and vandalism financed by these behemoth fraudulent charitible trust foundations like The Ford Foundation, while denying pensions to their employees that they promised, or forcing their pension plans onto tax payers like US Steel did, which was owned by J.P. Morgan.

    Most people in congress have also started these fraudulent tax dodging schemes, while simultaneously raising our taxes and estate taxes,  and so have presidents and former InfraTard employees and other lazy, incompetent, worthless swine that are cheating their way through life by running fake charities. They are mentally incompetent megalomaniacs running the country into ruin. That is their plan, so that they can continue to profiteer off of the destruction of our lives and legitimate small and medium sized businesses and family farms. All that they ask for is everything, including our brains, our thoughts, our DNA, our histories, our property, our posessions, and all the end of our constitutional rights, and the end of right to self-determination. They want to own everything and everyone one on earth, and make all decisions regarding everyone and everything on earth. It is all that they ask of us. What is not to hate about them? What is not resistible about them? The only things that they have mastered are being evil, corrupt, greedy, abusive, cowardly, selfish, dysfunctional, spineless, incompetent, destructive, parasitic, lazy, kleptocracic, terrorists, dictatorial, narcissistic, sadistic, insane, hedonistic, perverted, deceptive, partisan, manipulative, propagandists, and being anti-American.

    Andrea Iravani

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